Chapter 68

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Kendall's POV

"Thank you all for coming! i appreciate all the support in this movie i have been filming.. i love you all so much and hope to meet you all again" i smiled and blew kisses to all the loving fans that waited in line from the early morning to meet me. Some left and some was still waiting outside so we could have conversation together. "Oh shit!" i cuss as i shut my eyes closed and held my stomach. This was an all too familiar feeling. But it can't be, i still have 2 months to go. Another pain shoots across my stomach and i know it's definitely time "Babe" i say and hold onto his arm "The twins are coming" i say while my teeth are shut tight "What?! now! but you have two months to go! are you sure?" he asks.

"I'm positive.. I had the exact same feeling when I was pregnant with Jack... oh my god! My water just broke" I gasp and make my way to the door with Brooklyn following behind me "Hi ladies" I say and try to smile, they shout and scream in response "Shh.. please ladies.. I'm very sorry to say this but I'm going into labor now.." I say and close my eyes in pain. i hear a few gasps and people talk amongst each other. Brooklyn leads me to the car and I say goodbye to the fans and in a matter of minutes Brooklyn and I are at the hospital on the operating table, having a C- section.

"Baby girls out Miss Ackles" the doctor smiled "In a few more minutes we'll have your other baby out" she adds "And it's a baby... boy?" she said more like a question "I was informed that is was twin girls" the doctor says "Boy? But it is meant to be two girls" I furrow my eyebrows "Well it's a boy and a girl Miss Ackles.. what are their names?" "Ruby and Dean Beckham" I nodded "Now.. they are premature so we have to put them in an incubator together so they can breath and grow normally" and my babies were gone just like that. I didn't even get to look at them. I was so heartbroken at what the doctors did.

Once they stitch me back up i was put in a wheelchair and got wheeled into a room where all the small and sick babies are. The nurse that took us into the room let us have some time to ourselves and the twins. It pained both Brooklyn and i to see Ruby and Dean so small, weak and fragile. "Hey.. it's okay to cry baby" Brooklyn whispered and put his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him and smiled with tears in my eyes "I love you so much" i croaked out and kissed him "I love you too honey" he smiled "Let's go and see if the others are here yet" i say and try to get out of the wheelchair "Are you sure you can walk?" Brooklyn asked concerned "I'll try.. we'll go slow if that makes you feel better" i teased.

"Very much" he chuckled and held my arm for support. We both took our time walking to the waiting room and when we got there my family is waiting anxiously for us. Once they see us they rush over to Brooklyn and i "Hey.." i tried to smile but all the tears came rushing back to my eyes. Dad caught me in a careful hug and kissed the top of my forehead. I hugged everyone else in the process. "Turns out that the ultrasound was wrong.. welcome baby Ruby and Dean Beckham" i sniffled as i took my phone out and showed everyone the photos of Ruby and Dean "Aw honey!" Mum smiled "Can we see them?" she asks "Yeah of course" i nodded my head.

"Brooklyn just stay here with the kids and i'll take my parents" Brooklyn kisses my forehead and walks the kids back to my hospital room as i take my parents to the NICU "It's so sad seeing all the other small and tiny babies in here" mum mumbles as she looks around the room "There they are" i say softly and point to a incubator where Ruby and Dean are both cuddled up with each other. "Hello little Ruby and Dean.." dad cooed "I'm your grandpa Jensen and this is your sexy grandma Danneel" he added making mum and i laugh.

*3 Months Later*

I have been coming into the NICU every day for the past 3 months, from 9 in the morning and i'll leave at like 6 in the afternoon and go home then come straight back to look after my beautiful babies. Ruby and Dean have been amazing in growing and becoming stronger. We finally took them home a few days ago and they have been amazing little bubs.

"Mummy! make them stop!" Jack yelled, blocking his ears from the cries of the twins "I'm sorry sweetheart

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"Mummy! make them stop!" Jack yelled, blocking his ears from the cries of the twins "I'm sorry sweetheart.. i can't make them stop" i say as i try my best to calm Dean down "I hate the babies!" he frowned and walked away "Jack Heart! come here right now!" i say sternly. Jack slowly walked back to me with a frown on his face and his arms crossed over his chest, he was almost about to cry because i raised my voice at him "Look sweetheart.. i'm sorry that this is happening but do you want to say at grandpa Jensen and grandma Danneel's house for a few days?" he nods and i get him ready and pack a few toys and clothing in a duffel bag. I left Dean and Ruby at home with Brooklyn. I buckled Jack into his carseat and i drove to mum and dad's house. 

"Hey mum" i smiled as i closed the door behind me "Hi sweetheart.. what brings you here?" she smiles back "Jack here is getting a little bit frustrated and annoyed with Ruby and Dean.. they've been crying a whole lot lately and i thought Jack could stay with you for a few days so he can get some sleep.. if that is okay with you and dad" i say "Yeah of course! anyone is welcome" she replied and took the duffel bag from me "Thanks mama.. i gotta go but i promise only for a few days will be great" i said my goodbyes and got back into my car and drove away.

(A/N: Next chapter might be the last one)

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