† Chp. I †

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Chapter soundtrack: 'Back In Black' by AC/DC.

(From now on, just play the music at the start of each chapter or whenever you want while reading)

† Chp. I †

 I †

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~Røbin's P.Ø.V~

My boots trudge in the mud as I make my way down the dark street, a now light rainfall pattering against the top of my hood. With the time being close to the early hours of morning, the alleys are abandoned, especially considering the fact that I now walk in the quieter area of Bree.

"Ah, the smell of fresh horse manure and under bathed men." I utter to myself, adding a skip to my step as I whistle an old dwarfish tune.

Although dirty, Bree is one of my favourite towns to visit. Not only are the people here fun to drink with, but they are also extremely grateful when receiving my earnings. A main reason as to why I do what I do.

Darkness cloaks the sky as the sun is yet to rise, creating the perfect time for my departure. You see, I always leave during the night, as no one sees me. If I was to walk around during daylight, I'd receive an endless amount of requests in riches and offers to join in on my raiding adventures.

Trust me, I learn from experience.

One time, a pot bellied fellow threatened to 'ave a rope around me neck' if I didn't bring him back ten pounds of rubies in my next visit. I wonder if he misses his front teeth.

As the stables come into view, I notice two buffed up baldies standing slightly to the left of the wooden structure. One notices my presence, and he nudges his friend, both sets of eyes glaring in my direction.

Raising an eyebrow, I continue to approach the stables. But as the men become clearer, I can make out the sleazy grins spread across their stubby, unshaven faces.

"Well would you look at this." Tweedle dee jeers, crossing his thick, hairy arms. "Little miss Robin Hood."

I stop in my tracks and give a slight mockery bow, before continuing ahead.

"If you're here for any last minute riches, I'm afraid you're out of luck." I remark, nearing the entrance to the stables.

But before I can enter, the two men step in my way, their broad chests blocking my path.

"And why would we want stolen scraps, when your head alone is worth a thousand shillings over with the pointy eared woodland dwellers?" Tweedle dumb remarks, followed by a wheezy snicker.

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