† Chp. XXXII †

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Chapter soundtrack: 'Scar Tissue' by Red Hot Chili Peppers.

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† Chp. XXXII †


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"There was no lie in Pippin's eyes. A fool, but an honest fool he remains."

I lightly smile at Gandalf's words.

The hall of Edoras is once again empty, the only presence being that of the fellowship. As it turns out, Pippin has managed to give us insight on the enemy's plan. What could be more typical Peregrin Took than making a great discovery whilst sneaking into trouble?

Hobbits, so bloody cheeky, yet so damn loveable.

"He told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the Ring." The wizard claims, and I feel rather proud of my little halfing.
"We've been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw in the Palantir a glimpse of the enemy's plan. Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith."

My focus on the conversation becomes blurred as I lower my gaze, observing the bandage which wraps my bicep.

I can still feel his constricting grip, his simmering wrath. The sense of his fingers burning into my flesh haunts my mind, along with the pure hatred which steamed within his dark eyes. My jaw clenches as the sting of hot embers falling against my bare skin rears pain upon my mind, and I shake my head, lifting my gaze to the ceiling as my palms grow clammy.

With slow breathes, I bring myself back into the present moment of time. I refuse to let Sauron weaken my confidence. He will not continue to resurface past traumas in my mind. What happened last night was a test, and I sure as hell passed. Now, I have a scar to remind myself that little fiery balls isn't as crash hot as he makes himself out to be. Both Pippin and I proved our loyalty to the fellowship, and I am bloody proud. Sauron has no idea what is coming for him.

Quite frankly, I'm going to kick his ass.

"Is everything alright, little butterfly?" Eowyn questions, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, just a little fired up." I remark, sending her a wide grin. "I think I'm about ready for another battle."

"Steady on, you are still healing." She responds with a light chuckle, her eyes drawn towards the cloth on my arm. "What even happened last night?"

"One hardcore game of hot potatoe."

My attention is once again focused on the fellowship as they continue to converse in the centre of the hall. Eowyn and I stand off to the side, observing the meeting with my back pressed against a wooden pillar.

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