† Chp. XXXI †

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Chapter soundtrack: 'Everglow' by Coldplay.

♪ = cue the music

† Chp. XXXI


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Robin lets out a deep breath, shifting her body as her eyelids slowly crack open. Lifting her back, she wearily observes her surrondings, a subtle headache pulsing against her skull.

The great hall of Edoras has been abandonned, and surprisingly, it is also rather tidy after the night's celebration. Her eyes land on the kindling fire which crackles before her, then aside to Eowyn as she rests upon a long, cushioned seat, looking to be in deep sleep.

With a heavy sigh, Robin readjusts her position, pulling the woollen blanket higher and resting her head against the arm of her own lengthy chair. Blurred memories from the night begin to appear within her ticking mind, and she finds herself to become rather restless.

Robin's bare feet gently meet the cold tiles, and she tilts her head to observe her boots which have been neatly positioned by the side of her makeshift bed. With a soft smile, she observes her close friend with a look of admiration. Serenity is spread across her pale features, as sleep seems to make the lady of Rohan appear to have a child-like innocence. Robin raises and heads towards the door.

⠀ ♪

A cool breeze causes her dark hair to dance as she steps out into the night, the stars welcoming her presence as they glimmer beside an illuminating moon. Robin is sure that the dark canvas above has gained another bright speck.

Sauntering over to the edge of the platform, she observes the sleeping city of Edoras. There is something so exhilarating about being the only individual awake. It is almost as if the night will reveal the secrets of the universe, exclusive to your eyes, as in this moment, your only company is the stars.

However, Robin holds a heavy heart.

She lifts her gaze and observes the vast plains which surround the city of Rohan, encased by snow kissed mountains. The silence of the night allows Robin's mind to run with freedom, as the soft lapping of fabric against wind is all in which sounds around her hooded frame.

The young outlaw had held the White Wizard so close to her tender heart. Although not related by blood, he was the last remaining family who still drew breath. He taught Robin how to survive the threats of the world, and the hidden treasures in which Middle Earth has to offer.

Saruman taught her the importance of physical strength. However, Robin's true father taught her the importance of inner strength. Through hiding his pain in order to protect the ones in which he loved, Malcom Hood displayed to his daughter the impact your actions have upon the wellbeing of others.

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