† Chp. XIX †

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Chapter soundtrack: 'The Saints Are Coming' by U2 and Green Day.

† Chp. XIX †

 XIX †

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The smoldering mound of orc and uruk carcass gives off a rancid stench as it seeps into the thick air, Gimli himself shuddering at the sight. Digging into the pile with his axe, the dwarf draws out a strip of charred leather.

"It's one of their wee belts." He whispers, sorrow laced within his hoarse voice.

Legolas drops his gaze to the ground, slightly opening his mouth to utter an elvish farwell, before his eyes catch a flash of metal. Leaning down, he picks up the silver bottle and rubs his thumb over the engraved initials.

"It's Robins flask." He states weakly, despair raining down upon the trio.

Aragorn crys out in rage as he kicks the abandonned helmet of an uruk, falling to his knees in mourning of his deceased friends.

"We failed them." Gimli mutters in a low voice, as he is unable to gather the fate of his fallen companions. However, Aragorn picks up a strange formation in the dirt.

"A hobbit lay here. And the other." He remarks, kneeling over the tracks as he rests his fingers against the ground. "They crawled. Their hands were bound."

The man stands to his feet as he continues to pace forward, the elf and dwarf following in anticipation. Once again kneeling, Aragorn lifts the severed ends of a sliced rope from the grass.

"Their bonds were cut." He states, stumbling forward as he continues to follow the tracks. "They ran over here. They were followed."

Aragorn breaks into a sprint as his lead gets stronger, the high anticipation accelerating as Gimli and Legolas follow behind.

"The tracks lead away from battle..." The man comes to a halt, his feet stopping at the border of the eery woods. "into Fangorn forest."

The trio take in the appearance of gnarled tree trunks and a thick canopy in which prevents any sunlight from reaching the forest floor. Although lush, the woods are rather dark and almost intriguing to those with a sense of adventure.

"Fangorn." Gimli repeats with a weary gaze. "What madness drove them in there?"

And that the three were about to discover, as they pass over the border and into the depths of the old forest, all in pursuit of their lost friends.

"Ptui! Orc blood!" Gimli spits, as he looks towards his other two companions who hold expressions of concern.

Sprinting deeper into the woods, Aragorn kneels, examining the foliage beneath their feet.

"These are strange tracks." He states, lifting his gaze to examine the dark woods.

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