The scam

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-Skylar's POV-

I was sleeping really good until I hear like a tap noise, I wait a few seconds to see if I can hear it again and nothing.

So I close my eyes again then I hear it again, a few seconds later the window breaks so I sit up and see a rock on the ground.

What the hell? I question getting out of bed and walking up to the window, I look out to see the Ed's.

Eddy, why did you do that, I told you we should of have knock I hear double D tell Eddy, this way is more fun he replies.

Are you freaking kidding me! I yell down to them, finally you're up, get dress and meet us down here! Eddy yells up.

I groan and start getting dress, I get downstairs and walk outside you're gonna pay to have my window fix I tell Eddy.

Don't worry about it he replies walking off, I am going to worry about it, my mom is gonna kill me I tell him.

Shut up Skylar! He yells at me, damn for being as small as you are, you're "scary" I say using the air quotes around scary I say smirking.

He glares at me and starts walking off, so Skylar, do you know how to bulid stuff? Double D ask me.

Yeah, why? I question, because mop head, we're gonna do a swap ride Eddy says coming up to me wrapping his arm around my neck pulling me down to his level.

Did you just call me mop head? I question him, yeah, you're hair looks like a mop he replies.

But could you bulid us a boat with double D? he ask, yeah, I guess I replie.

Great, let's do this, come on lumpy he grabs Ed and runs off, so what are we gonna use to make the boat? I ask double D.

We're just gonna use bathtub he replies, where are we gonna find a bathtub? I question.

The junkyard he says walking off down the lane, okay I replie following.

We get to the junkyard and start looking for a bathtub, found one I say walking up to it.

I was about to grab it until double D smacked my hand, ow, what was that for? I question rubbing my hand.

Put these on he hands me some rubber gloves, I grab them and put them on thanks I say.

You're welcome he replies, I grab the tub and look at double D are you gonna help? I ask him.

Yeah he says and he grabs the other end, on three I tell him.

One, two, three I say lifting my side, he tries to lift his side but can't.

I put my side down are you having trouble? I ask him, yeah he replies.

Well, look what we got here we hear so I turn around to see the kankers, double D hides behind me scared.

We're just leaving I say pulling Double D with me, no hold it right there Lee says grabbing me and pulls me back.

She gives me an evil smirk Let's kiss em' Marie says, I got out of Lee's grip and push Double D in the tub and pick it up and start running with it.

I get to the end of the lane and look behind us to see they're not following us, I set the tub down and sigh looking at Double D.

Sorry, I had to push you I tell him, it's okay he replies getting out.

Wow, you two found a tub we hear Eddy say, yeah, we almost got attack again I replie.

Kankers? He questions, Kankers I repeat his words.

Well come on, we found the right place to have the ride he says walking off with Ed grabbing the tub, we follow him and get to the middle of the Cal-Dul-Sac.

How are we gonna get it open I say looking at the lid, lumpy here gots it Eddy says.

Ed grabs it and throws it to the side so, how are we going to get the rub down there? I ask, good question, how are we sock head? Eddy ask Double D.

Well, the bathtub is to big so we can- he gets cut off by Ed picking up the rub and puts it over the whole and he starts jumping on it.

The ground breaks and he falls in with the tub wow, way to go lumpy Eddy laughs with us looking down.

Are you okay? Double D ask him, I'm fine, come down he replies.

We get down and it stinks then I see Double D puts a face mask on, holy crap, I can't stand the smell I say going back up the ladder.

You sissy, but as long as your up there find something that we can use for a paddle Eddy tells me, okay, be right back I replie.

I start looking for something to make a paddle, I find a hockey stick and a broom on the side of the road so I grab them.

Now I just need rope I say to myself, I look around some more and find some rope and tie it around the hockey stick and broom.

I walk back to the sewer and look down steady there Ed Double D tells Ed while he's putting the tub in the water.

I climb down the ladder would this work? I ask showing them the stick and broom, yes, it would double D replies grabbing it then gets in the tub.

What is that? I question walking up to like an octopus thing, it's me! Ed yells sticking his head out scaring me.

Come on mop head, let's go get people to come down Eddy says grabbing me climbing up the ladder with me following.

We get out and he starts yelling swamp rides, swamp rides here, who wants to ride in a swamp?! He yells.

Hey shorty, no one isn't gonna come I tell him, did you just call me shorty? He questions.

Yes because your short I replie, he glares at me then Jimmy is walking by.

Hey Jimmy, wanna go on a swamp ride? Eddy ask him, no thank you he replies walking off.

He walks up to him and grabs him and walks back and throws him down the ladder, Eddy, what are you doing? I question.

We're gonna go on a swamp ride, come on mop head he replies grabbing me by my shirt and he jumps in with me falling in.

I groan and get up rubbing my head with then Jimmy starts crying shut up twerp Eddy says putting his hand over his mouth.

It's 25 cents for the ride he tells him sticking his hand out, he takes out a quarter and hands it to him then we all get in except for Ed.

Let's do this! Eddy yells standing up smiling, Double D starts peddling and we go down sewer.

Jimmy is shaking because he's scared so he's hinding behind me it's to dark in here, hey sock head, do you have a flashlight? Eddy ask him.

He takes out a flashlight and gives it to me so I turn it on and flash it down the tunnel we're doing down.

So on this side you can see the swamp monter Eddy says pointing to the right side so I point to the right where Eddy is pointing.

Then we see Ed comes out yelling I'm going to suck your brians! He yells, ahhh, don't let it eat my brains! Jimmy screams holding onto me tighter.

I chuckle it's okay Jimmy Double D tells him, I flash the flashlight down the tunnel to see something.

Uh, Eddy I say scared, not now mop head he replies looking at Ed.

Uh, Eddy I repeat my words, what?! He yells.

Ed gets in the tub while I point down the tunnel, everyone looks and we all scream.

Chapter 2 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So the Ed's and Skylar are doing a scam with Jimmy and they are going down the tunnel and Skylar sees something and they all scream, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out.

Sorry for not publishing in a while I couldn't think of anything for this chapter so that's why it kinda sucks.

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