Aliens? (2)

80 3 8

( real version ☝) ( starts at 11:55)

( same day)

-Skylar's POV-

Double D and I are in Ed's room and we are going through his comic books, I'm on the floor looking through some while Double D is at the desk doing the same.

Double D, I found some I tell him standing up and give him one, sqaure dances from the outer reaches? Colorful he says setting it down so I give him the next one.

Attack of the space nose miner? Deviating he says setting it down so I give him the last one.

Inappropriate pinchers from beyond? He questions, hmm, this one might help he says putting the pencil in his mouth and looks through the pages.

Heat vision? Extra- Terrestrials beings are known to use elevated temperatures of heat he reads from the comic.

He writes heat vision down on his notepad, coincidence? I question looking at it then we hear a thud.

Hello? I question looking around, we both start sweating then the door opens so we look at each other and quickly grab the comics that we need.

After Double D gets his jacket on and everything he goes through the window while I do the same.

Oh for goodness sake he says while I stand up, what? I question.

My jacket ripped he replies and I see it did then we hear the loud thud again so I quickly help him up and we run off to go find the others.

We get to a house that everyone is at so we head to the back to see some steps so we walk down it with the wagon we have.

Double D knocks and the looking look thing opens and we see Ed password he says so Double D and I look at each other confused.

Password? We weren't informed about any password Double D replies, he closes the thing and we look at the door blankly hello? Double D says then before we know it we get tackled.

I see your disguise creature from the Beyond Stars! Ed yells grabbing both mind and Double D's face.

Ed, it's us, Skylar and Double D I say while he tries to pull our faces, Skylar, Double D, you two are alive he says smiling picking us up and runs inside.

He sets us down and closes the door then puts a piece of wood to lock it but gets his hands stuck.

While the Alpha team circles the perimeter here and hooks up with the Omega team here, that's when we take them, any questions? Kevin ask.

Yawn! Eddy says fake yawning with Jimmy holding up his hand, Jimmy Kevin calls on him.

Thank you, thank you, thank you he says hugging him then starts kissing his shoe.

Right, start filling your weapons Double D, Skylar, what did you find out man? Kevin questions walking up to us while I point to Double D so I can pick out a weapon.

I found a "gun" that's made out of small boxes and the ammo is chunky puffs a cereal we all like, I walk up to the boy's to see Ed is inside a thing on Eddy's back.

While, just let out Ed when your done then Double D tells Eddy walking off, Skylar, come here he tells me so I walk up to him and ue puts the battle suit on me.

Ready? Kevin ask us, ready, right buddy? Jonny tells Plank.

Ready, while almost Nazz replies combing her hair, don't look at the camera, don't look at the camera Ed says.

What camera? I question looking at him, I don't know he replies smiling so I look at him blankly/ like he's stupid.

It is here dear friends, on the fresh hold of fate, where we stare into the gapping mouth of uncertainty, in this darkest hour, I wish to express my- Double D gets cut off by Kevin pushing him to the side.

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