The scam (2)

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( skip to 1:08 and stop it at 1:37)

( next day)

-Skylar's POV-

The boy's and I are hanging out in my living room so this is the scam we plan on doing Eddy speaks up.

So we put Double D in a bunny suit and charge people 25 cents to pet the bunny he continues, nobody isn't going to believe Double D is a bunny I replie.

And where are we going to get a bunny suit at? Double questions, I have a bunny costume in my closet that I wore a couple years ago I say.

Then there's your answer sock head Eddy tells him, come on monobrow, let's go get the sign and stand bulit and you two will met us at Ed's house at his window he tells us grabbing Ed by his jacket with Ed smiling like an idiot.

Let's go get you in the bunny suit I tell Double D getting up and head to my room, we get to my room and I start looking for the bunny suit.

I find it and hand it to him here you go Double D I say, he grabs it thank you Skylar he replies.

I'll wait for you downstairs I tell him closing the door and head downstairs, after a few  minutes he comes down and I look at him and start laughing.

Oh my god, you look so funny I say getting up laughing, oh shush he replies walking out of my house.

I follow him closing the door and we head to Ed's house, we get to the back of the house to see Ed and Eddy already have the sign and stand bulit.

Eddy looks at Double and start laughing you look good sock head Eddy laughs climbing through the window with us following.

We get in to see Ed is tied up what did I tell you lumpy, doesn't it look so cuddly? Eddy tells Ed, oh oh, bunny! Ed yells trying to hug Double D.

Are you ready sock head? Eddy ask Double D smirking, wait, don't let him go- Double D gets cut off by Ed tackling him.

Hug the bunny, hug the bunny he says squeezing Double D and drops him, awe look, he likes me guy's Ed continues petting him.

Purr like a bunny, purr like a bunny he says, bunnies don't purr Ed Double D says with Eddy and I climbing out of the window.

Wait, don't leave me! Double D says also climbing out and falls, not this time sock head Eddy replies.

I got a litigation he continues then walks off, here I got you I say grabbing his hands but Ed grabs him and pulls him back in.

I look behind me to see Eddy pushing a stand and it says pet the bunny on top and on the bottom it says meet yer furry friend only 25 cents.

He sets the empty jar on the stand pet the bunny only 25 cents! He yells, Eddy, Skylar! Double D yells for us.

I'm coming Double D I say trying to climb back in but I get pulled by my black sweater go get some customers will ya Eddy tells me pushing me to the front.

I groan and walk to the front to see everyone hanging out hey, you guy's wanna pet a bunny? I ask them but they ignore me so I walk back to the backyard.

They all said no I tell Eddy, what? Their lost he replies with Double D finally getting out.

Yes, thank you for helping he says sarcastically brushing himself off, your welcome Eddy replies smirking walking off.

We're now waiting for Double D cause he's changing in my room here you go Skylar he says handing me the bunny suit so I grab it and put it back in my closet.

After he's done we decided to walk around, we get to the playground and set on the swings.

How can they not wanna pet a bunny? Eddy speaks up, I don't know but their so fluffy and soft and cuddly Ed relies smiling.

Let's go to the junkyard and look around Eddy says walking off with us following behind, we get to the junkyard and start looking around.

We've been walking around for a few minutes and we see this thing and it's red and a black tub comes out of it on top so we walk up to it.

Skylar I hear Double D say so I look to my right to see him filming me so I smile and wave with Ed pushing me outta the way and looks at it waving.

Hi mom he says smiling, why are you recording? Eddy questions.

I'm creating demodex Eddy he replies, don't get hardy with me Double D he says opening the door to the thing and Ed, Double D and I see the Kankers and we get scared with then turning around.

What are you doing? He questions, Double D points behind him k-k-Kankers! He yells, hi Eddy they say in unison jumping him and pulls half of his body in so Ed, Double D and I run up and grab his legs.

I got chu Eddy Ed says, pull guy's I say still trying to pull him.

We get him out and he flies on top of us, so we hurry and get up and start running off.

Run away! We all yell, we look behind us still running to see them still standing over there waving at us and smirking.

We know where you live! Lee says, we turn back around help me, ahh! Eddy screams.

We get to the end of the lane and stop catching our breath, why.. are.. they.. so.. obsessed with us? I question catching my breath.

We have no idea, when they first moved here they've been like that Eddy replies, but like I said we made a rule, none of us will ever date one of them and we all promise we won't be contuines walking off.

I mean it wouldn't be bad if I date Marie, she's cute it's just.. if she wasn't so crazy and less aggressive I would date her because I think she is pretty I say to myself with Ed and Double D and I following Eddy.

But I did promise them that I won't date any of them and I can't break that rule or they'll mad at me cause I broke the rule I say to myself again.

I shake off the thought and continue walking getting to Eddy's house, we walk in with Eddy walking into the kitchen and Ed, Double D and I sit on the couch.

He comes out and sits down did you get the whole thing on camera? I ask Double D, oh yes he replies turning the camera on and shows us the video.

After the video we all start laughing except for Eddy and he glares at us with his arms cross.

I look at Ed why do you have a baby rattle Ed? I question, because I like them he replies with me chuckling.

Chapter 6 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So they tried to do a scam by putting Double D in a bunny costume but it failed and the kankers attack Eddy and Skylar has a small crush on Marie but can't say anything because of their rule, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out.

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