The badge

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( real version starts at 11:28 ☝)

( next day) ( Saturday)

-Skylar's POV-

Today the whole neighborhood are cleaning up our houses like ranking leaves, washing the windows, crap like that.

We're at Eddy's house and Double D and I are ranking the leaves then we hear like a trumpet playing so we all look to see it's Rolf, Jonny and Jimmy even Plank they are the urben rangers.

Rangers, hold Rolf tells Jonny and Jimmy while they set a table in the middle of the street down.

The ubren rangers will now increase you with their discipline and there do Rolf tells us with all 3 of them doing the loser sign on their foreheads then a whistle blows.

Then they start ranking the front of my yard and start doing Eddy's windows then they start cleaning all the houses with water.

We all cheer expect for Eddy aren't they fancy or what? Ed says to Eddy and he sticks his tounge out.

Urben losers he mumbles crossing his arms, hold attention kids of the cul-de-sac, as you seen you too can ease the burden of daily chores Rolf tells us with Jimmy and Johnny putting up a huge sign that says join tge urban rangers on it.

Come and join the urban Rangers and become the master of a bang the Badge Of Duty earn badges and impress your relatives he continues handing us some papers.

You do have to admire reference of educating the community Eddy Double D tells him showing him the paper.

He walks up to the table ripping up the paper and sets it on the table then he walks back to us brushing his hands off smirking.

Ahh, Rolf sees the urban rangers are far to demanding for a one's head that looks like a giant toilet paper pouch Rolf says putting a cloth with a cup of tea on Eddy's head with everyone laughing.

Where did he even get that? I say to myself, okay tough guy, how about I take you on the hardest badge you got, right here, right now! Eddy yells getting in folds face.

Holy mackerel is he talking about the- the- the Jimmy says nervously walking up to Jonny.

Hairy chest of resilience badge Rolf speaks up, nobody's earn that badge over 50 years Jonny says.

This badge has crumbled the egg plants of many brave of hopeful who tried to contain it Rolf says putting his hands on his face nervously.

Eddy makes a chicken noise I smell a chicken! Eddy says smirking, a chicken Eddy?! Ed questions.

Yep, bigger and fearing jerk chicken, I got a badge for ya Mr. Chicken Eddy tells Rolf walking up to him and Rolf does not look happy.

How about the go home and lay an egg badge he continues laughing falling to the ground.

Enough! Your mockery of the domestic valis insults Rolf he tells Eddy.

Your not where you tride Ed boy Rolf contuines, Urban rangers! He yells then Jimmy and Jonny salute him then they grab a huge book.

Follow the chicken, follow the chicken Ed repeats his words putting Eddy on his head and we start walking.

We get to the construction site and Ed puts Eddy down in front of Rolf hear he hear he, you brave men are about to work on a serious of test or game of Cuba on the National Urban Rangers Hood, make your way to the circle Supremacy Jimmy says.

Stinks to be you uh flathead? Kevin tells Eddy while we get to our side of the circle and I look around to see Nazz and she's looking at me smirking then wink at me.

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