Skipping school

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( next day)

-Skylar's POV-

The Ed's and I just got to school and Eddy is of course grouchy so we head to our lockers and I put my gym bag and backpack inside then grab my notebook and a pencil then head to homeroom.

We walk in and of course the boy's take the 3 seats next to the window so I'm stuck next to Marie again, I sit down and open my notebook to a clean page and start drawing until I feel something land on my head.

I grab it to see it's a half eaten apple so I turn around to look at Ed laughing watch where you throw things I tell him throwing the apple back at him and it hits him in the head.

Then Ed turns around and grabs a book from Eddy's desk and the books fall onto his head shhh! Double D shushes us.

( skips to gym)

I'm in the girls locker room with Nazz and the Kankers and I put on my shirt and close my gym bag walking out of the locker room.

The bell rings so all of us run outside to the back of the school standing in a line, the couch blows the whistle so we all head to our first stations we need to do.

The Ed's and I get to the pull up bars to do pull ups on, I'm standing next to Double D and I grab the bar pulling myself up.

Listen's the plan...we're busting out of this joint Eddy tells us with every "pull up" he makes, busting out? Double D says falling so I get down after I did 7 pull ups and look at Eddy confuse cause he's on Ed's butt.

Why? I question, I've had it with this school stuff, grammer correct, math work, social studies and geography, who cares! He yells then he covers his mouth looking around.

Look sharp teacher guy's Ed says grabbing all of us and our heads hit the bar then the whistle goes off so he throws us up and I hit a bar with Double D landing on me and Eddy goes around the bar.

We get to a mat and Ed and Double D lay down while I'm holding Double D's legs while Eddy is holding Ed's okay here's what we're gonna do, when the teacher turns around, we make a run for it Eddy says.

You can't be serious! Double D sits up with Eddy putting his hand on his mouth shushing him, there are severe consequences to... he makes a disgusted face.

Skipping school he replies with Eddy looking at him blankly, yeah Eddy, the school will tell Sarah, Sarah will tell mom and mom will tell dad and dad will just sit there and watch tv! Ed yells freaking out.

Eddy shuts him up just think about it lumpy, all day monster movies, comic books, and all the gravy you can eat he tells Ed in his ear.

It's totally worth it Double D! Ed yells grabbing Double D, yeah Double D, live a little I speak up.

See lumpy and mop head knows what I'm talking about Eddy says wrapping his arms around our necks then the whistle goes off so Ed drops Double D and we walk up to a cart that has jump ropes.

We each grab a jump rope and head starts flocing his teeth with one and Eddy just swings it back and forth while I'm actually jumping, Double D comes up and grabs one.

You can't just run for it Eddy, a successful escape during school hours will take careful planning with flawless education planning I don't want part of.. thank you he says.

Oh yes you do or Skylar here will write your locker combination on the girls bathroom wall he tells him wrapping his arm around my neck again.

I will? I question, yes, you will mop head he says through grin teeth whispering.

Ed Edd Eddy storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon