Fairytales are real

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( real version ☝)

( next day) ( Friday)

-Skylar's POV-

The boy's and I are walking out of the school and we see Nazz and the cheerleaders.

I got an great idea Eddy tells us grabbing Ed and pulls him towards the cheerleads laughing.

Double D and I look at each other following hey girls, watch this! Eddy tells them then pantsing Ed.

Oh my god! Nazz yells covering her eyes looking like she's about to throw up, Ed and Eddy start laughing while I hide a chuckle because it was really hilarious.

Both Ed and Eddy take off running laughing we're sorry about that ladies both Double D and I say at the same time running off with Double D blushing in embarrassment.

We get to the Cul-de-Sac and we lost them fellas? Double D questions still holding his hat blushing in embarrassment while we run down the sidewalk.

Ed, Eddy?! I yell looking around for them also running down the sidewalk then there's a hand on my ankle and also on Double D's then we fall face first then get pulled into the bush.

Haha, did you see the look on Nazz's face guy's, I thought she was gonna throw up Eddy says laughing while I'm sitting next to Ed and he has no pants on still.

Silly me and here I thought we were beyond depantsing Ed in front of the cheerleaders Double D replies.

You loved it, admit it, even Skylar thought it was hilarious, she was cracking up he says while Ed stands up putting his pants back on with the bush still on his head and Double D and I fall out.

Wait and see Mr. Yum yum, when my magic craptet flies like this book says it can, Kevin will know once and for all that fairytales do exist we hear Jimmy say so we see him on a carpet with his stuff animals.

Eddy looks at me and smirks Eddy, what ate you gonna do? I ask him but he sneaks up on Jimmy.

He grabs the carpet and makes him think he's flying look out it's flying, all magic like, watch out! Eddy yells then sets him down laughing.

Aww, don't count your beans before they hatch little fella Ed says grabbing Jimmy and pats his back then sets him back down putting his hat back on Jimmy then turns around motioning the crazy thing and points at me smiling walking over to us.

Oh Ed, not you too?! Jimmy questions then he turns around grabbing his book crying.

Fairy tales do exist, Pixies, mermaids and unicorns are real Jimmy says crying looking at his book.

Hey buddy, it's alright, turn that frown upside down Eddy tells him wrapping his arm around him while Double D with his hand on my shoulder then moves to the other side of me.

What's Kev know, just so happens, I saw a unicorn this very morning Eddy continues poking him on his face everytime he talked.

You did Eddy, really? Jimmy questions pushing Eddy's hand away from his face, what say you and me go see it, Jimmy ma boy? Eddy ask him smiling.

Ohh Jimmy says nodding his head yes, yes of course, does expanded idea Eddy, that will certainly make Jimmy, I mean Kevin see the truth in fairytales I replie smiling at Double D and Eddy.

Before we know it he hugs Double D, Eddy and I thank you Eddy he tells him, no problem curly Q Eddy replies while we hug back.

Don't forget me kids Ed says walking up to us and literary fits himself with us, why don't you meet me in the woods in a hour? Eddy tells Jimmy.

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