Spelling bee

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Real version ☝ ( first half in this chapter)

( next day at night)

-Skylar's POV-

I have been avoiding Marie all day and we're all at school for the spelling bee, I'm on stage helping Kevin put up the microphone.

Let me ask ya something Skylar he speaks up, what is it? I replie putting up the mic so they can speak out of the mic.

Why do you hangout with those dorks? He ask, I don't know, I think they're cool and they were the first people I met at the Cul-de-Sac so I replie.

You guy's are weird he says walking off, I look at him confused then shake it off then I stand up testing, testing I say into the mic to see it works and it is working.

I look to see Marie, Lee and May walk in so I get nervous and step back, I feel the curtain so I open it and go backstage and run into the locker room.

I close the door and stand behind it then it turns out I'm in the boys locker room and I see Eddy standing over Double D and Ed has paper in his ears.

What is going on here? I question, goodness Skylar, you can't be in here, it's the boy's locker room Double D tells me.

Don't worry, I don't like what you guy's have, I like girls, I thought you knew that? I tell them.

Yeah we do know that but it's still the boy's locker room he replies, it's cool, let her stay Eddy says walking up to me wrapping his arm around my neck.

Anyways back to what I'm saying, I made a big bet with Kev that monobrow is gonna win in the third round, so stick around a round or 2 that it looks good then bam, take it down Eddy tells Double D grabbing him by his tie and messes it up.

Surely you jest Eddy, how can you ask me to disengaged the rules of literacy to squander the values of conder conditions, to spit a pond the very foundations that our language is built on Double D replies walking up to the mirror fixing his tie then walks up to the door.

So your saying you won't do it? Eddy questions, Double D looks back and walks out and Eddy looks scared.

What?! Ed questions with paper coming out of his mouth.

( 10 minutes later)

I'm on the side of the stage with Kevin and Eddy with the spotlights land on Nazz and Double D, Rolf, Ed and Plank?

Good evening Nazz says into the the microphone then fixes it, ladies and gentlemen, dudes and babes, welcome to the 8th annual peach creek spelling bee she contuines with everyone clapping.

Let's begin, shall we? She says, Double D, your word to spell is, and she has trouble saying the word.

Nazz, are you pronouncing cerebral? Double D ask her smiling, yeah dude, totally she replies and he gets up walking up to the mic with everyone clapping.

Cerebral, C-E-R-E-B-R-A-L, cerebral Double D says spelling the word, that's correct Nazz says with a bell going off meaning he's right then Eddy falls onto the ground freaking out.

Um, Plank? Nazz questions, okay, your word is and she has trouble again.

Pardon me once again, do you mean deciduous? Double D speaks up again, yeah, that's it, thanks she replies with Jonny grabbing Plank and walks up to the mic.

Then after a few seconds a buzzer goes off oh, sorry dude, you ran out of time Nazz tells Plank.

What are you deaf?! He got it right, I got my eye on you, wood hater! Jonny tells Nazz then jumps onto the mic thing then walks off staring at her all the way off the stage.

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