The reason

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Fixing the rear view mirror, I took a look at Avari in the backseat, her eyes taking in the house we were sat outside.

"Mommy..." She trailed off.

"I know. Any bad vibes and we are our baby girl."

She gave me a short nod and placed Peanut across her lap waiting to be let out the car.

Opening up my car door, I closed it before going to Avari's side. This morning I had received a phone call, and from the late guest last night, I was still groggy. But Zak however wasn't as he left at 4am, and called me at 8am.

I told him I hated him as much as I could as he planned the day for me with my face still mashed into the pillow. His hoodie was sat on the chair opposite my bed longing to be picked up and smelt again.

Little did he know, I had taken a top or two of his when I left his house the last time.... Don't judge.

Helping Avari out, she stood beside me and watched as Zak opened the door with a big smile. "Hey pumpkin!" He grinned.

Avari gave a wide smile ready to run over when a manicured talon nailed hand wrapped over his shoulder and Jessica Rab- I mean Holly appeared.

"Nope." Avari spoke turning to face the car expecting me to open the door.

I looked from her to Zak who wore a hurt expression on his face. I tried to telepathically tell him who's the problem when Holly stepped out eyeing us both.

"Well hurry up, you're letting the air conditioning out!" She snapped pushing past Zak to re-enter the house.

"Shut it, bugs bunny." I muttered causing Avari to giggle. I covered my mouth in shock as she took my hand pulling me to her level.

"Mommy. You know tomorrow is my birthday?"

I nodded "I do. How old are you going to be?" I asked her.

"Six, but because I'm six. Do I get 2 wishes? Because today is like my birthday too isn't it?"

I cocked my head "How do you mean?"

"I heard you telling Zak that I couldn't find out until the time was right. Tomorrow is my right birthday and we are here now. So do I get two?" She asked frowning.

I giggled "I suppose you're as good as a queen in my eyes. Let's think about it... Why do you want two wishes?"

"Well I want one for me, and the other to make Holly disappear." She admitted.

I bit my lip discreetly trying to suppress a laugh. "R-really?" I choked.

"Yeah. Gracie doesn't like her either and she broke Peanut. Remember?"

I turned serious and narrowed my eyes with Avari's "Oh I remember and nobody hurts Peanut."

"No they don't." She huffed holding him tightly.

"But we could go, only you won't see Gracie or find out what Zak has planned?" I reasoned.

She pondered twisting her foot in the gravel of his drive. "Holly doesn't like me mommy. If she is coming Zak won't speak to you. Cause Holly is always kissing him." She replied screwing her face up.

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