Finally found you ...

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Such beautiful eyes ... blue eyes as the blue of the large ocean ... blue eyes as the blue of the wide sky ... blue eyes that showed a promise as old as time ... he painted them and painted them ... again and again ... in hope that one day ... he will find the owner of those stunning blue eyes ...

That was the only thing he could think of, the only thing he could remember from that person ... Dazai became a famous painter, even though his paintings were just of this pair of beautiful blue eyes ...

Each time he met someone with blue eyes, he would stop them and look deeply into their eyes ... but no .. they weren't the same ... they weren't the eyes he was painting ... they weren't the eyes he was searching for ... they weren't the eyes of that certain someone ...

At night, he would always dream of himself jumping into a lake ... putting a rope around his neck ... cutting his wrists with a knife ... each time, he tried to commit suicide, but each time there was that certain someone who would pull him off the lake ... who would cut off the rope ... who would take the knife then put bandages around his injured wrists ... there was always that someone to stop him ... to save him ... but each time he looked up to that person's face he would just see those shades of blue then suddenly wake up.

After seeing those dreams a million times, he finally got to understand that what they showed was what happened in his previous life ... and that he made a promise to that person ... that he will find them even in the after life.

Chuuya was a psychologist, he was known for saving a lot of people from depression ... darkness ... from ending their life. He even participated in public sensibilisations to prevent from commiting suicide ... he devoted all his life for this one cause ... in hope that one day he would meet a certain someone from back then ... in hope that he would finally save them ...

Suicide ... suicide ... suicide ... that was the easiest way to escape this world and its problems ... that's why a lot of people commited suicide these days ... teenagers ... adults ... almost everyone ...

But Chuuya believed that, yes this was a solution, but not the good one. Escaping the problems of this world doesn't ensure that the next world won't have worse problems.

He could never stop his aching heart each time he hears that someone commited suicide. Usually, if it's not a member of their family or someone dear to them, people wouldn't care less if someone suicided. But that was not Chuuya's case, he cared ... he cared way too much but even him couldn't tell why, his heart would just hurt and he would just remember that one dream he has each night, the dream of a certain someone who walks away and away  ... he would always run after them and try to reach them ... but he never reaches them ... that person would always fade away ... he would always find that person dead in the end of his dream ... a drowning body in a large lake ... their neck tied up to a rope and their body swinging in the middle of a small dark room ... a pale body drawning in it's own blood with harshly cutted wrists ... Chuuya would always be late ... he would look up at the body ... but each time his sight reaches the bandaged neck ... he would suddenly wake up ... tears falling down his cheeks.

He didn't really know how to explain this, but he was sure of just one thing, he knew that person, if not in this world then in the previous one, and he has to save that person ... because he promised them ... he promised that he would search for them ... find them ... and save them ... even if it was in the after life.

Dazai started losing hope in finding that special someone ... he exposed his paintings all over the world in hope to draw that person's attention. Weirdly, almost all people who come to his expositions have blue eyes, he would always hover around looking at their eyes and searching for that person, but no sight of them. He didn't know what to do more than that, he would just dream of those eyes and see them everywhere he looks, he started going crazy. Black, white ... day, night ... they were all the same to him in his state.

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