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I'm back!🎉

"See that wasn't so bad, was it?" I comment as my mum, Chadley and I walk out the hospital.

"I guess so, they seemed to believe that I trip over something breaking my wrist in the process and something poking me in my eye as I landed on the ground." She replies skeptically.

"They must have done because they didn't ask any more questions after that." I say.

"Hmmm or they don't want me to know that they know something isn't right so went along with it." She says.

"Mum! This paranoia has to stop. They don't know, can you just be glad you got the medical treatment you needed?" I sigh.

"I know Angel, but how can it stop when what's happening isn't going to stop?" She points out.

I guess she does have a point there, my father's abuse is never going to stop; no matter how hard we try it's never going to stop because he way stronger than all of us.

"Look, lets just get home before your father does." My says noticing my sullen mood.

"Your father's home." Was all mum said, causing my heartbeat to speed up.

We could tell because the lights were on. And say I'm so scared right now, it's an understatement, he knows what he'll do. I was so sure that we would arrive before him and just make him think that we had the bandages at home so mum used it. I guess not.

I hear the notification from my phone go off telling me I have a snapchat message, most probably from Maurice as this is the time he usually messages hence the different time zones. But shit I'm not even focused on that.

I take a deep breath as mum unlocks and opens the door, even Chad is quieter than usual, gosh he's most probably terrified too.

We walk in and close the front the door behind us quietly. We walk up the stairs praying for nothing to happen when he notices us.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He booms out, making us all jump, didn't think he heard us.

"We were at my school meeting, it was compulsory to go and for a parent to tag along." I answer smirking in my head for my quick thinking.

"Oh yeah? What was the meeting about?" He questions.

"How GCSEs are going for students and how the exams are almost here, stuff like that basically." I answer quickly, trying to seem normal but my heart is pounding so bad, I fear he hears it.

"So how come when I was on the phone to Sampson today, he told me that he saw the three of you going inside a hospital?" He asks, stare hardening.

"They were doing some nurse who works there told us that they were doing some fundraising event and ask to go with her to it, for support of course." Jesus I'm on roll with these lies.

"Do you you think I'm stupid? You are the stupid ones." He says. And I thought my lies were actually working.

He grabs my mum by the neck, squeezing to the point she's actually struggling to breathe.

"So you let the thing to lie for you? You don't think I know that you were trying to report me, lock me up. Darling that isn't going to happen." He spits squeezing her neck harder.

I couldn't watch it anymore and put Chadley down on the couch. I go over to my father and push him off mum letting her breathe.

"STOP IT" I scream at him.

"Stop hurting her, she didn't do anything wrong. You want the truth, the truth is mum needed medical attention because of what you did to hurt. You broke her wrist and gave her a swollen eye, so I made her go to the hospital and get that medical attention that she needed. She didn't even want to go but I forced her too. So she didn't do anything wrong, don't hurt her." I rant out.

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