No. 13

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I can't believe we're doing this

Me too

You do realise I have skl right
I'm in year 11 doing my GCSEs
I don't have time to be travelling

It's Christmas holidays anyway
By the time your holiday is over everything else will be over

I've havent travel anywhere before
Welll I have but that's like to France for a skl trip in year 5 and that's was by ferry

So you ain't been on a plane befo ??


Seriously 😨😨

I kno at my big age aswel

That's great
Think of it as a new experience
Your worrying about things you shouldn't worry about

I inhale and exhale deeply whilst looking at Maurice's message. He's right I am worrying about the wrong stuff, but it's hard not to.

Thinking about all this is crazy. I basically opened up to a person that I have only been messaging on snapchat for like a couple of months. Deeping it, I don't even know what the guy looks like.
To be honest I honestly didn't think I would even talk to the guy like that. I actually just thought it would be a hi, bye and what you doing type of conversations.  Even thinking about it, I haven't really opened up to Maurice like, that wasn't even the full story just some snippets of what has happened recently, shit imagine if I told him more he would move to the country and have guards everywhere.

But shittt does this mean I will finally get to see Maurice? Like actually see what he looks like and what he's life is like? My gosh would I see his daughter and meet her? Damn this all getting to me, I just need to breathe and take it all in.

But why have I not seen Maurice yet? No pictures, videos, nothing, not even a tiny snippet of his hand or something. Maybe he's really insecure and hates how he looks. What he's some really old guy? Or just a person who has just been lying about himself completely is acc just a whole different person not the one I thought I was talking to. How can we even  trust him? I don't know him, not really. Am I really willing to go through this plan of getting me and my family away from my father? Just accept everything that's going on? I can't can I, you just never know what a person's real intentions are, that's the scary part.
I mean you have the best typical
example here: my mum thought my dad was a great man and then completely switched on her when they got married and had kids to be this evil heartless abuser. I know for sure that my mum didn't think her life would come to this, I know that...

"Chidera!" Mum screams... well not screams but says really loud, we ain't trying to give my father a reason to start with us even if it's a stupid reason.

"Yeah mum" I answer, turning to her.

"Do you know how many times I called your name? It's not like you had earphones in or anything, why didn't you answer, hmm?" She asks, facing me with one eyebrow raised, eyes staring deep into mine, making it a very deadly look, so deadly that if looks could kill, I would've have been the second she looked at me. I'm not even joking, damn I was honestly so deep into my thoughts.

"Sorry mum I didn't even realise, I was thinking too much." I apologise, turning to my phone. An iPhone 6 believe it or not. I got it for my 15th birthday, god knows how my mum was able to do it and hide it from my dad but she did and I'm ever so grateful.
Unfortunately though, my stupid self got caught with it by my father, so as result he smashed it, completely, making harder to use but what can I do?

"I guess that's understandable, I mean a guy we hardly know wants to help us with our situation, we don't if it's genuine or not." She says sighing and rubbing her forehead, I nod agreeing.

All of a sudden SLAP on my back. I widen my eyes in shock and confusion. My mum just slapped me!

"Owww! What was that for? What did I do?" I moan in pain as I rub the area she hit.

"What are you even doing talking to strangers?Huh? You hear what happens to people when they talk to strangers and it's never good, so what you do is find a stranger and tell him our problems and situations? Oh God Chidera" She rants.

The thing is, she's right why did I do this?

I can't do this
We can't accept your help

What why?

I'm sorry I just can't
I mean how am I supposed to trust a person I don't even know
Haven't even seen??????

That doesn't mean I'm a bad person
I'm not like that
I've been honest with you since the start
Okay I understand we haven't know each other for that long and because of my insecurities you haven't seen what I look like
But I promise you that I'm not going to hurt you or your family no way
To be honest I feel too connected to you to do that.

You feel connected to me how?

Idk tbh honest I feel like have this connection like i can tell you anything I don't really know how ton explain

Maurice im scared
More than scared mahn
Even my mums scared
You need to understand where I'm coming from pls

Just trust me
I promise
I swear on my life
My moms life I'm not going to hurt you just want to keep you and your family safe
Protect you

I read the message all over and over again, maybe he's being serious and actually wants to help, I don't know what to do, should I just take the risk and go or continue with this current life?

Life's full of risks
How you ever gon kno if you don't even try
I hope you push your fears aside and come
I'll talk to you later pengting


New part I'm sorry my updates aren't consistent I really am😩
More chapters soon come tho
What do you think now?

Thanks for reading


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