No. 47

97 4 0


Hey hun
I just wanted to say good luck and that everything will be okay
I also wanted this to be the first message you see when you wake up
Love you 😘😘❤️❤️

I chuckle, shaking my head whilst reading the message. The amount of love I have Tiana is undeniable, she's a slight pain but you just got to love her. Tony wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer to him and I sigh, and decided to rest there for a while.

I couldn't help but think back to the night before. I'm in love with Chris...well I think I am and according to Tiana and Ebony I am, but I love Tony and I'm with him.

So maybe I'm not in love with Tony as thought I was. I turn to face Tony's sleeping self, he stirs a bit due to my movement, but then continues to snore softly.

This isn't the time to be even thinking about Chris or Tony. I should be preparing myself for Chai. I kiss Tony's head softly and carefully take his arm off me. He stirs and I freeze scared to wake him up, but all he does is  turn around and soft snores were heard again.

I sigh out in relief, as I was able to slip out of bed so much easier. I put on my slippers and quietly slip out of the room.

I make my way to kitchen, on a mission to get a cup or two of water. On my way there I check in on Royalty and Chadley, who were in the same position as I left them last night, which made me smile.

I finally get to the kitchen and see Chris already there brewing a pot of coffee.

"You're up early."

He turns in a slight panic, but relaxes when he sees it's just me. "Don't fucking do that, almost gave me an heart attack."

I laugh, not too loudly, in fear of waking someone up.

"Do you want a cup of coffee?" He asks.

I walk to the fridge and grab two bottles of water then take a seat by the counter.

"Sure." I answer, taking a chug of water.

He nods and grabs another cup.

"Why you up early?"

"What do you mean? I'm always up early." I state, I finish the first bottle of water and go to open the second one.

"Yeah, but you don't actually get up, you lay in bed on your phone until you're hungry and you just want to get ready for the day." He tells me accurately.

"Okay, Mr. Knows everything about me." I joke, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Milk and no sugar?"

"Yes please."

He places my cup of coffee in front of me and his in front of him and takes a seat next to me. I smile my thanks, wrapping my hands around the cup. I oddly liked the sensation of my hands feeling like they are about to burn for some reason, a habit I taken up.

"I hate when you do that, you're going to burn your hands for real if you keep on doing that." Chris comments, trying to pry my hands off the cup.

"I like the feeling." I pout taking my hands off.

"Yeah until you start crying because your hands are burnt." He retorts, making me laugh.

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