No. 20

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A late but just in time Merry Christmas.


It is the week of Christmas and I couldn't be happier. For the first time in a long time I'm actually super excited for it. I'm honestly doing the most the week before I was helping Maurice pick a Christmas tree and decorated it. Then it turned in to me decorating the whole house and whatever I can decorate. I also helped Maurice buy gifts for his family and friends and he even bought a gift for my mum and brother, and helped me pay for mine.

Usually this time of year was nothing to me. To everyone else outside home I was putting on fake excitement but really and truly I honestly did not care for Christmas. I knew I wasn't going to get anything but I made to get something for Chadley because he is still way too young and I believe he needs to experience the Christmas excitement and the feeling of getting stuff.

So basically every Christmas til now, mum and I will watch Chadley open presents and that's it. There was no money to even buy for our extended families and friends.
Don't get me wrong I did get some presents and I was grateful but I didn't really care as long Chadley is happy.

So you could basically say that I am in the Christmas spirit. All I need to do is buy a gift for Maurice, which in my opinion is extremely hard considering the fact that he has everything and I don't want to get him something that he already has but accepts it anyway because it's from me.

"Little one!" The familiar Barry voice rang out.

I am now "Little one" to him, which is very contradicting because I am nowhere near Little unless you count my Little boobs and bum. He claims I'm special and different hence why he calls me it. I've just accepted it and gotten used to the name. The same way he got used to me calling him Barry, he answers to it and
I guess you could say that Barry and I have gotten closer this past week. I don't know how to be honest, He reminds me of Chai in a way. Making it so easy for me to let him in, we bond in a way that Chai and I could of bonded if he never left.

"Hey Barry!" I greet, I was currently wrapping presents from Chris to his family.

Hearing Barry's voice Maurice's dogs Chief and Rocko who were with me started to bark and run to Mijo. Maurice finally brought his dogs home and I fell completely in love with them. They immediately liked me once they was sure I wasn't a threat to them or anything their owner. Chadley loves them too, I'm sure that Bruno sleeps in Charley's room.

"Hey boys how you doing? How's my boys." Barry greets the two of the many dogs in this household.

"What you doing?" He asks walking towards me, chief and Rocko still intact.

"As you can see wrapping presents." I say finishing up the gift was currently wrapping.

"Ouuu what you get me?" He asks trying to take a peak at the other gifts that still needed to be wrapped.

"I don't know, don't think I got you anything." I lie, shrugging.

"No way, your ass got me something believe that or you ain't getting nothing from me." He says.

I laugh. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Barry."

"Knowing you got me a good ass present will help me sleep at night for real." He winks.

"I guess you'll be having some rough nights til Christmas." I wink in return.

"Shut your ugly ass up. Whatever man" He gives up. "Where's your mom and Maurice?" He changes the subject.

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