Part. 45

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I couldn't help but stare obsessively at Chidera as she interacted with everyone on the table, as we ate Mom's food. My mom pulled all the stops on this meal and I'm not the only one who thinks that because I'm pretty sure that everyone is on their third plate now.

Five years and Chidera has blossomed. Chidera was always a beautiful girl and didn't think she could get anymore beautiful, but damn she has glowed all the way up, like angels are jealous. She's toned up a lot, her butt is coming out now, her skin is glowing and she's just generally happy, I hope it's because she's here with us.

Five years has been hard without her, no one to bother or talk to about anything, but it had to be done, I had to leave her. It finally dawned on me that our relationship five years ago was dangerous, it was crazy. To be honest I didn't even mean for anything to happen but love is love. Our relationship was borderline illegal. She was still a minor and I could have gotten in a lot of trouble if I didn't end it then.

As hard as it was, I'm glad I did, because ultimately it was what the both of us needed. Our time apart has let us grow and come to conclusions. My conclusion is that distance does infact make the heart grow fonder and I am utterly and completely in love with Chidera.

I couldn't believe myself. I didn't want to believe it because that's crazy, but these five years told me something else. My every thought included her, my every decision included her, my music included her, my future included her.

I couldn't even bring myself to do anything to clean up her room or change it or something because it was all her. I liked how somehow her scent still lingered in the air and things that she left behind reminded me of her.

The second it was confirmed she was coming I knew that this was my chance to make her mine without any fear or concern and openly.

But then she had to come with a boyfriend. A whole fucking boyfriend, who ain't that bad at the moment, lowering the chance of her being mine.

"You still wear my bracelet?" I ask, spotting the twenty thousand dollar bracelet sitting on her wrist.

She looks up at me. "Of course I do, this costed more than my whole life and you you said if I don't wear it you'll buy something more expensive to put on me and I am not having that."

"It's how much?" Tony gapping in shock, staring at the bracelet.

"Mama, this food was amazing, mouth watering good." Chidera compliment my mom, making her smile.

"Thank you baby,"

"I'll clean up." Chidera offers, standing up and picking her plate up.

"What? Nonsense, I'll will clean it up." Mom objects, shaking her head.

"Seriously, I don't mind, it's only right because you cooked." Chidera insists, going around the to pick up everyone's plate.

"Don't worry Ma, I'll help her." I offer getting up to pick the rest of the empty plates up, that Chidera couldn't carry.

I feel eyes on me and I turn around slightly to see Tony, giving me glare, he continues to eye me suspiciously until I'm out of sight.

"Looks like I gained another hater." I comment to Chidera, who had already started washing up.

She laughs, briefly thanks me for the rest of the plates. "Really? Who?"

"Your little boyfriend, that's who, staring at me like he want to kill me, what's up with him?" I answer.

She groans and rolls her eyes. "Leave him, he's just jealous."

"Of me?"

"Yep, I've never seen him this jealous before though, we even had an argument that's why you found me in the garden." She explains, passing me a plate to put in the dishwasher every time she rinses one.

"Seriously? What did he say?" I ask interested.

"He basically thinks there's something going on between us." She tells me briefly.

"Wait, he doesn't know about us?" I stop.

She stops as well and turns to face me directly. "What about us Chris? There isn't really an us."

"What are you talking, unless your feelings for me weren't true, there is an us."

"The way you ended things, confirmed that there isn't an us." Chidera argues.

"I did that for our benefit, our relationship then could have put us, well me into some serious trouble." I defend.

No one says anything after that. Chidera goes back to washing up and passing me the plates, whilst in deep thought. We continue in silence until we were done and join the other in the main living room, where they were all watching a movie.

"You good?" Mijo questions, looking at me in concern.

"Yeah man." I nod, reassuring him.

I say nothing and watch the movie with them, now and again sneaking glance at Chidera, who was cuddle up to Tony, who giving her sly kisses, so she would giggle every so often. I rolled my eyes every time I would spot and focus on the movie.

"I see you man." Mijo whispers to me.

"Fuck you talking about?" I whisper back.

"The way your eying up Chidera and her little boy." He tried hold on his laugh, gaining the attention of Ebony, who kissed her teeth and went back to the movie.

"Man, shut up and watch the damn movie." I dismiss him.

Soon the movie ended and and our moms dispersed into another room. Ebony and Chidera went to play with Royalty and Chadley and Tony got a phone call and took it outside.

"You still feeling my little one and that is straight facts, can't tell me nothing." Mijo comments.

"The way you were looking at her and then Tony, dude I felt sorry for you." He continues.

"I ain't just feeling her man, I'm in love with her." I confessed.

"You serious man?" Mijo asks in complete shock.

"Yeah I am, I need her in my life permanently this time." I nod.

"Shit man, you have to tell her before, she makes things serious with that Tony guy. I don't have a problem with the personally, but you and Chidera are meant to be anyone, could see that." Mijo tells me.

"Yeah I know, but I want her to meet Chai and deal with all that first, I already kind of hinted it when we were cleaning up and she just went silent on me." I explain to him.

"That's good You're making her reconsider her relationship with Tony." He nods.

"Alright if you say so."

"Of course, one thing I know for sure is Chidera, she tells me everything, I could even help swing her your way." Mijo suggests.

"You really want us together?" I laugh.

"Who doesn't man, I miss you being happy." He says sincerely. "And your the happiest when your with her, trust me I know."

"Thanks man."

"You know your my brother, anyways pretty boy and pengting is a go, I need to tell Ebony." He skids to the direction Ebony and Chidera went in, I laugh shaking my head.

"I'm going to make you mine, pengting."

Another update🎊😍
This time in Chris' point of view 🤩
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