No. 35

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"That's my best friend! Balenciagas and that, get you a best friend like mine!" Tiana practically screams at phone whilst recording me.

Me being confidently me, I egg her on by posing ridiculously and giving the camera a cheeky wink. "Girl, don't gass me."

Chris and Toni, who were strolling behind us, stop to watch and laugh at Tiana and I's silly antics, shaking their heads. "I swear we got the craziest girls."

This time I take out my phone to snap T. "Come see my beautiful wifey, brown and peng, you guys could never." I say like a best friend should, giggling a little.

Tiana responds with a 'model' pose, as I circle her. She ends in a twerk and I screaming, making many heads turn, some smiling at us and other huffing and puffing.

The tour on Tahiti and it's culture ended about half an hour ago and Chris, Toni, Tiana and I were just strolling down the Tahiti streets, looking for a place to eat whilst taking pictures every so often.

"One you boys take a picture of me and T real quick." I ask one of the boys, holding my phone out in hand so one of them could take it.

"No way, you guys have taken like 300 pictures and videos already, it's enough man." Chris retorts taking my phone and putting it in his pocket.

"So why did you take my phone then?" I exclaim getting annoyed.

"So you don't get distracted to use it." He answers.

"Well joke's on you because we've got T's phone." I shrug, not really bothered.

"Actually, you don't, Chris is right, all guys have done is take a picture and video, every second" Toni says taking Tiana's phone from her back pocket.

"We're capturing the moment." Tiana argues.

"How about you enjoy the moment instead?" Chris replies.

"We are. We're enjoying the moment by capturing the moment." I interject cheekily.

"Funny." He rolls his eyes.

"Look, let's go eat there, looks good." Toni says pointing at small outdoor restaurant.

"Finally, I'm starving." Tiana says making her way to the restaurant, with the rest of us following behind her.

"We're going to freshen up a bit in the bathroom, we'll be back." I tell the boys, as me and Tiana get up to go.

We make our way to a cute little bathroom, which was quite straight forward in finding. Once in, Tiana collapses on the couch that was in there. Thankfully it was basically just us two, so it didn't cause any disruptions.

I go into a stall, as I actually did need to pee, I've been holding it in for quite a while. Once I'm done, I wash my hands before taking out some powder for my oily face.

"I don't know why I decided to wear make up, in such hot weather." I complain, putting powder on the oily parts of my face.

"Truss, I'm not wearing again after today, unless we're going out to somewhere fancy at night." Tiana agrees doing the same.

"Honestly." I laugh.

After fixing our makeup, I reach for my phone, forgetting that Chris has. I curse under my breath, once I remember that Chris still has it. I really wanted a mirror selfie.

"Ughhh I just remembered Toni has my fucking phone." Tiana groans out loud.

"I thinking the same thing about Chris." I tell her.

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