No. 26

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"How was it?" Me and T ask each other at the same time.

"You go first." We laugh.

"I'll go first, it was alright." T says as we walk out the exam hall.

"Yeah, it was easier than I expected it to be, but oh my gosh, my timing was fucked." I explain, looking for my bag in the bag cage.

"Same." T and another friend of ours Michelle say at the same time.

"Like I swear I had an whole hour left enough to complete every question, then next thing I know I have 15 minutes left and I was only halfway through the paper." Michelle rants.

"Literally same, I had to rush through all the questions, I literally had no time." I say agreeing with her.

"Hey, Chidera." Someone calls out, making Tiana, Michelle and I's head turn towards the voice and interrupt our conversation.

It was Tony Falcon, one of the prettiest boys in our school. Everyone loves him, I mean I don't understand how you couldn't because he's just so nice and friendly with everyone.

He like one of those he's too good to be true kind of person because it's so hard to catch a flaw on him.

"Oh hey Tony." I greet stopping so he could catch up to me.

"Hey." He says again once reaches me.

"T!" He fist bumps Tiana.

"T!" Tiana replies fist bumping him in return.

They call each other T as both their names start with T, it's been thing that they always do, that they only do.

"Hey Michelle." He greets Michelle.

"Hey Tony." She replies.

"How was the exam for you?" Tiana asks.

"Exam was sweet, but I didn't have enough time, they put in too many five mark questions, but I was able to finish the paper so I'm Gucci." He explains making us laugh.

"Now your boy about to eat, you coming?" He continues, taking his phone out of his bag.

"You're acting like it's the last exam, there's like 4 more to do." T comments.

"I'm celebrating after every exam, gives me the motivation and confidence." Tony shrugs dapping one of his friends briefly.

"Plus come August and you find out you failed English and Maths especially, no such thing as celebration again." I add.

"See my girl knows." Tony smiles throwing his arm over me.

"Oh yeah that reminds end of exams party at mine when we've completed all our exams." Tony tells us.

"We are there for sure." T nods eagerly.

"Yeah I'm down for it." I agree.

My phone pings and it's a Snapchat message from Chris, I smile brightly.

I look and catch Tiana looking at me, assuming she heard the notification, she gives me knowing cheeky smile and a sly wink. I wink back at her and I open the message from Chris.

Hey I'm just assuming your done with your exams today.

Yep I am
Great timing😂

Good how was it?

It was alright
Don't want to say too much before I jinx anything.

That's fine
As long as you know you've done your best

Hopefully my best is enough

It will be don't worry about it 😘

So what's up with you

Nothing much tbh
Just brainstorming with lyrics

I'm just getting food with some friends
As your #1 fan can I get a sneak peak😏😘

Nope you'll find out with every other no.1 fan

What why!????

Cah that won't be fair on Team Breezy

What do you mean?????
It's just me😩

Yeah but
I want to find out with everyone else 😅😄

I deserve better

it will be worth it
Trust me

Can I at least know when your documentary is coming out?

Late this year

Oiuuu exciting
Can't wait 😊

I know you can't

You know if you have an album coming out can you have a lot of songs in it

Random and what do you mean?

Like on your next album have like 30 songs on it.
That would be money well spent
That would be amazing
Like Team Breezy wouldn't even complain
But fall in love with you even more

Well everything I do is for Team Breezy
And you 😘😘

I'm being serious
Consider it

What if I thought of that already😌

Oh my goshhhhhhhh
Wait you giving me a hint about your next album😏

I mean like I've thought of doing that before

I know you lying 🤥
Your next album is going to have a lot of music
It's alright your secret safe with me babe😘

You calling me babe
I should tell you more things often

You always find a way

You always provide opportunities
Can't help myself

I'll talk to later I want to eat without having to pause to reply to you

I'm not important to you atm
Nice to know you like food more than me pengting


Another update 🎊
Hoped you like it
Thanks again for reading


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