No. 51

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"Ugh." I stand and up and stretch, before plonking back down on the couch.

"What do you think them two are talking about?" I ask Mijo.

Mijo shrugs, chugging his drink, letting out a disgusting burp as he put down the can. I chuckle shaking my head.

"Mijo, I know that wasn't your ugly ass burp." Ebony comes in with a stank face, looking at Mijo.

"Mijo, I even I heard your burp and I'm on the phone." Tiana's familiar voice laughs.

"Ayo T! What's up, been a minute." I shout, so she can hear me.

"You could just ask for the phone you dumbass." Ebony retorts, throwing me the phone.

I caught it with ease and realised that it's Chidera's phone. I peered at the screen, seeing Tiana spraying some shit on her face, I've seen girls do that before, something about keeping their face in place.

Once she's done, she smiles at me.

"Hey Chris, how it do?" She puts on an American accent.

"I'm good, you know alive and well, what about you?" I reply.

"Same, Same." She answers.

"Is Chidera done breaking up with Tony yet? I need to know so I can go, Toni gets irritated when I take to long to get ready, and he gave me like a two hour head start." She huffs.

My eyes widen, brows raise and jaw drops in shock. Did I hear correctly? Chidera is breaking up with Tony? Wait what? She can't be, for me? I look up at Mijo and he gives me a knowing smile, along with Ebony.

"I'm not sure, if she said not to tell you yet, but big mouth over here said it." Ebony says, nodding to my thoughts.

"She's breaking up with Tony right now? You're not shitting me?" I ask again to be sure.

"Yes Chris, She is for you." Mijo nods, patting me on the back.

"You got your girl back."

I get up, deciding to go find her.

"Wait, Wait, wait, where you going?" Ebony stops me.

"To Chidera." I state.

"She'll come to you, clearly she's still talking to Tony." She shakes her head pushing me back down.

I quickly get back up.

"Nah, I don't care, she's in her room right?" I don't wait for them to answer and make my way to her room.

"Chris I'm still here," Tiana calls our from the screen.

"Oh yeah, how is your phone not dead yet?" I ask her.

"Beats me,"

"Wait, hold on," I tell her as I reach her door.

I go to open the door, but I'm stopped by Tony's voice.

"I didn't realise how fucking dumb you are." I hear him chuckle dryly.

"You mean to tell me you didn't talk to him romantically, even sexually when you were a minor?" He says and my eyes squint in confusion, did Chidera tell him about us?

Chidera doesn't even get the chance to speak, I can tell by the way she started.

"Do know I could take this to the police?" Oh fuck!

"You wouldn't." I hear her gasp.

"Is that a challenge?" He questions,

"You don't have any evidence." Chidera, points out and I sigh in relief.

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