No. 22

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"Your taxi's here, Miss." The bellboy tells me, as soon as I open the door.

"Oh thank you, tell them we'll be right there." I reply.

"I will, would you like me to take some bags down?" He asks.

"Do you know what sure, those two are ready, thanks again." I say.

"No problem miss." He takes the two bags and leaves, closing the door behind him.

"Our taxi's here, so you might want to hurry up a bit." I call out to my mum.

"Alright, I'm nearly ready." She calls back.

Another knock sounds on the door, making me highly confused. We're like on the 12th floor he couldn't have got our bags down there so quickly.

"Did you forg- Oh it's you." I say once I see who it is.

"Why are you here? We have a taxi waiting." I tell him.

"Chidera don't be like that." He replies.

"Like what? I was just asking a question, now hurry up we're wasting time." I retort.

"Look Chidera I just wanted to apologise and see how your doing." He sighs.

"Well Mijo as you can see I'm fine. Now leave." I say.

"Mijo? No Barry?"

"That is your name right? That is what your known as so I will call you what you actually want to be called."

"I mean, yeah I guess."

"Alright then, now say what you want to say and leave promptly after." I fake smile at him.

"Look I didn't want to lie, I didn't from the start when Chris mentioned he wants to bring you guys here, I told him he should tell you the truth but he was still scared and chicken to do it. I just went along with it because that's my brother." He explains.

"To be honest I didn't even think I would like you. " He continues. "but I ended up having this sister/brother relationship, a cool bond with you."

"It's whatever, I don't even care anymore, it was nice meeting you and everything." I say giving him a small smile.

"Okay let's go...Oh Mijo, how are you?" My mum comes in with the last of our bags and Chad behind her.

"I'm good thanks Mrs Igoe, and you?" He responds politely.

"I'm good too and please call me Justina, Igoe is my husband's name." She says.

"It was nice seeing you again, but we have a plane to catch." She tells him.

"Yes of course,sorry I won't be a problem any longer. See you around." Barry says then leaves.

"Such a nice boy, he's someone to miss, ain't he?" Mum comments after he leaves.

"Yeah, sure, let's just go please." I say, as I make my out of the room to the taxi.

We get to the taxi and give the driver the last of our bags to put in the boot of the car. Thanking him, we ourselves start to get into the car.

"Chidera!" Maurice, Chris Brown,calls out. It wasn't hard for me to tell, I had grown to know and love his voice. I somewhat knew this would happen when Mijo showed his face.

"Ughh." I groan in annoyance. I look at mum, wanting some kind of symbol from her, to tell me what to do.

"You might as well, you are not going to be seeing him for a long time, unless it's on a screen." She reasons, making me sigh deeply and make my way to him.

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