No. 16

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Chidera, her mom and her brother is actually coming, their on their way, up in the air as we speak. I'm planning for them to stay in my home, because I basically live in a mansion so more than enough space for them and it means I don't have to pay extra for a hotel room. Rich folks look for bargains to you know.

"Hey Chris, the rooms are all set up for your guests just how you said and the costume make up artist is here." Kelsey, my assistant says walking towards me with a Caucasian girl beside her, I'm guessing the make up artist to help me with my disguise.

Yeah, I'm still doing the disguise idea. Chidera can not know who I actually am because that could cause problems and she may hate me forever. I need a girl who won't run away or lose trust in me after something big happening, so Chidera finding out that I lied to her, will definitely hurt and she'll hate me and never want to speak or see me again.

"Great thanks Kels, much appreciated, can you just tell James that in about a couple of hours I'm gonna need him to drive to the airport and pick up the guests staying here, then your free for the day." I tell her.

"Alright, thanks, see you later." She replies then leaves, leaving me with the make up artist.

"Good afternoon, Mr Brown, you requested to be disguised, I'm Lola." She introduces herself lifting her hand for me to shake.

I nod shaking her hand. "Just call me Chris,nice to meet you."

"You too Chris." She smiles.

"Um let's go to my living room, where we can be comfortable and discuss our ideas." I suggest leading her to the living room.

"Have a seat." I gesture to her, taking a seat myself.

"Thank you." She sits and takes out her notepad and pen, before setting her bag down and turning to me.

"So what kind of costume are you looking for specifically?" She asks.

"Oh shit, where are my manners, do you want something to drink?" I said interrupting her.

She laughs. "Oh don't worry about that, I'm good thanks."

"Okay cool, but basically I am looking for something really natural and realistic, so you won't even tell I'm in a disguise, and something that is really long lasting." I explain.

"Okay." She nods writing it down. "So I'm guessing it's for you?"

"Yeah it is." I nod.

"Trying to surprise fans or something?" She questions.

"Yeah, something like that, I don't want them to suspect anything at all, so I get them good, you know what I'm saying." I kind of lie.

"Yeah I get it" She laughs.

"What do you mean when you say long lasting?I was assuming you just need it for a day." She says.

"Like to last a month or even longer if possible, do you think you could make it into something, I put on then take off when I don't need it?" I inquire.

"Ummm wows month or more, should I be concerned?" She raises a eyebrow.

I laugh. "No not all, it's just it's a project I'm doing, trying something new."

"Alright, I'm sure we will find something you can easily take off and put back on and look naturalistic at the same time." She says.

"That's great, when would be ready?" I ask relieved.

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