No. 18

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I was nervous. She's here. I can see the Range Rover drive through the guarded gates. I see how it stops and how Chidera was quick to get out.

I watch as she takes in her surroundings of the area in awe. I see the sparkle in her eyes when she notices all the cars, knowing that she's a car lover.

I quickly check myself out in the mirror, making sure everything was in place and nothing looked odd, before making my way outside to where they were at.

They don't notice me, considering that all attention was on Chidera's little brother Chadley, who was running towards my khaki green Lamborghini, one of my favourites.

I smile as Chidera runs after him then lift him into her arms and then scold him for trying to touch things. He starts to fuss then I decide to make my entrance.

"Aye don't worry big boy you can go inside it if you want." I say.

She stops, almost like she heard a ghost and then slowly turns around to see me. A small gasp erupts from her lips, which is understandable considering this her first time seeing me as a whole. I hope she don't think I'm too ugly especially with this disguise on.

But I can tell you how beautiful she is. All the pictures and videos I've seen of her honestly does not make up for how beautiful she truly is. To her light brown skin, to her slim physique, not too skinny but certainly no where near fat. To her lips that I just want to kiss and play with and her sweet smile. She's a bit tall too, but not that tall. I'm still taller than her though.

I could tell she is nervous, maybe this disguise did make me ugly. She continues to soak in my appearance while I soak in hers. Damn she's pretty.

"Maurice" She finally speaks, her voice so heavenly and angelic and soft spoken, her British accent seeping through even though she just said my name.

I smile. "Hey, pengting."

It was like it was just us two and no one else. We momentarily forgot her mom, brother and my driver's son was here with us. I guess we realised and both snapped out of it quickly.

"Welcome" I say to her mom walking towards with my hand out.

She grabs my hand and shakes accordingly with beautiful smile on her face. I can definitely tell where Chidera got her looks from. Thank God it wasn't from her father, that would be sad.

"Thank you, it's lovely to see you, been such a long time, I can clearly see that I'm not the only one who missed you." She replies, confusing the hell out of me.

I stare confused in reply, in which she looks to the side, as if to tell me something. I look behind her and see Xander, who was filling in for his dad. That's when I remember he doesn't know what's actually going on, nor does other people expect from Mijo, Tyga and Omari. She doing an act.

"Yeah it has been a long time, it's so great to see you." I say joining with the act.

"Xander can you help with the bags" I tell him, so he can leave and give us privacy. He could tell something was up because I wasn't in my true form and kept giving me weird looks.

"Yeah sure." He says taking the bags and making his way inside with them.

"What I meant to say it's nice to meet you" Chidera's mom laughs.

"Yeah you too, I'm Maurice by the way." I reply.

"Ohh I know call me Justina" She smiles.

"Alright, so I got all your rooms sorted, and if there's that displease don't hesitate to let me know." I tell whilst leading the way inside.

PengTingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ