No. 15

208 12 1


"Come on we don't have time, we got to go before he gets back and the cab's waiting" I shout, grabbing as much of our stuff as quick as I can.

Today is the day. The day has actually come. I'm so excited but so scared, we are actually leaving him, hopefully for good. I still can't take this all in, especially when I'm about to take my mum and brother to some guy I hardly know, who's also in another country.

"I know just grab as much stuff as you can and take to the cab!" Mum shouts back.

"I'm already doing that." I reply taking the bags I have in my hands to the cab.

"Hey, cab for the airport?" The cab driver asks.

"Hey, yeah that's us, could you help with the bags?" He's quick to help and starts putting the bags in the back.

I quickly go back into the house to see if there is anything else to do but as I got there  mum and Chadley were coming out.

"Oh my gosh thank God, let's go quickly before anything happens." I hurry them, really nervous.

"We all settled?" The cab driver who's name I learned was John asks once we got the bags and ourselves in the car.

"Yeah" my mum and I reply.

"So where are off to? Trying to go somewhere hot for Christmas?" John asks whilst on the road.

Oh my days! I forgot it was Christmas soon, no wonder none this seems suspicious to anyone, even though it is like two weeks before the Christmas holidays even start. That lifted some weight off my shoulders, there's still so much though so it didn't make much of a difference.

"We go 'merica!" Chad answers proudly.

"Ooo really" John says replying to Chadley.

"Yeah" Chad nods excitedly, making John chuckle.

"So whereabouts?" John asks.

"California" I answer.

"Ahhh, basically Hollywood." He nodding his head in realisation.

"Yeah, it's our first time too" I reply.

"Oooo aww how sweet, staying with family there then?" He comments.

"Yep, that's the plan." I nod.


We finally got to the airport, the journey there was fun, we talked most of the way with John, even mum joined in the conversation a few times

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We finally got to the airport, the journey there was fun, we talked most of the way with John, even mum joined in the conversation a few times.

"Flight 2213 to California is ready for boarding, flight 2213 is ready for boarding."

"Hey that's us" I tell mum who had Chadley on her lap and was about to fall asleep.

"Alright lets go" she replies.

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