Can we talk...?

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"Can we talk...?" Jack said.
Just hearing those words made me panic. I know nothing was going to happen because I'm just a fan but nobody likes to hear those three words; ever!
"Sure," I looked down at the ground, twiddling my fingers.
"Shall we take a seat?" Jack led me to a couch in the lobby of the hotel.
"What did you want to say then?" I asked nervously.
"Well, I wanted to thank you again for everything you've done for me, not just today, but every day. I've felt so shit, especially recently, but you've made me the happiest I've been in a long time and I can't thank you enough for that. And thanks for coming for a meal tonight, I loved it so much, maybe we can do it again, just us two though, how does that sound?" Jack asked, looking me in the eyes with those big blue gleaming eyes that could make anyone's heart melt. I could feel my face burning up and I was blushing.
"Sure," I replied with a smile, "that would be lovely."
"Great," Jack said and he hugged me tightly like we never wanted to let go. We could have carried on but Jack's phone vibrated.
"Jack's just text me asking where we are," Jack seemed kinda sad that our hug had to end, "speaking of texting, can we exchange numbers? You know, so I can contact you about meeting up."
"Sure," we exchanged numbers. I can't believe that Jack Johnson just asked for my phone number! Best. Day. Ever.
"Anyway, I think we should be heading upstairs," Jack said holding out his hand. I took it and he led me up to his room where all the boys were.
We walked in and all the boys started whistling, probably at the fact that Jack and I were holding hands.
"Look at you two lovebirds," Taylor wiggled his eyebrows.
"We're not dating," Jack and I said in sync.
"Sure you're not," I could feel the sarcasm radiating off Nash.
Jack decided to change the subject because he could see me blushing.
"So, what we watching?" he asked.
"The Exorcist!" Dina screamed.
Oh shit! I fucking hate horror movies! I'm such a wimp but I can't just stop them from watching what they want to watch. Jack could feel me tense up so he whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, I'll be here for you if you get scared."
Jack and I found a space and sat down. I got very scared at some parts of the film so Jack hugged me tight which made me calm down and relax until I noticed the boys staring.
"What?" Jack questioned, "I'm just trying to comfort her, that's all."
"If you say so!" Cam winked at us.
Jack and I just look at each other and chuckled. They really think we're together?! Of course I wish it was the case but we only just met today, we can't move that quickly, it's just not right and I hope Jack feels the same. The film finally finished and it was really late.
"Is your room far," Jack asked me an Dina.
"No," Dina replied, "as a matter of fact, we're a couple of rooms away from you."
"That's great!" Jack said, "you doing anything tomorrow?"
"Not really," I said, "just gonna stay in the hotel. There's no point going home tomorrow because we're coming to the other show that you're hosting."
"That's cool," Gilinsky smirked, "maybe you and Jack can go somewhere tomorrow."
I knew exactly what he was hinting at and it would be really cool but I'd leave it for Jack to decide.
"But what about Dina?" I asked, "I can't leave her by herself all day."
"Well I could take her out," Nash smiled at Dina. I think Nash is taking a liking to Dina very much and to be honest, I ship them so hard.
"Great!" Gilinsky shouted with excitement, "then it's settled."
Jack and I were silent but just smiled at each other.
"Do you want me to take you to your room?" Jack asked, twiddling his fingers.
"Sure!" I said, "Dina, are you coming?"
"Nah, not yet. Nash asked if I could help him with his new youtube video."
"Okay," I stood up, "see you guys later!"
All the guys either waved or said 'see ya' or 'bye' as Jack and I walked out of the room. I got to the room and opened the door.
"I guess I should get going," Jack said, "see you tomorrow."
"Wait," I stopped him, "aren't you gonna come in?"
A smile formed on Jack's face and we went in my room. I got out my pjs from my wardrobe and walked in the bathroom to quickly get changed whilst Jack lay on my bed. I came out and lay next to him as I turned on the TV. I don't see why I turned on the TV because we were asleep in no time, Jack with his arm wrapped tight around my waist and my head nestled on his chest. It felt so perfect, like we are a couple but obviously that isn't the case. We fit together like jigsaw pieces and I feel like we are meant to be. I trail off from my thoughts into a deep sleep.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Hey! Sorry this chapter isn't as long as the last one but I felt like this was a good place to end the chapter. The size of the chapters may vary as the story progresses so don't be upset if there's a short chapter as the next one may be longer. Thanks for reading and I hope more people read as I write more as that would be really cool. Also, I have some very exciting news for you as soon as this book reaches 100 reads which hopefully won't be that long to go as long as you keep on reading. Thanks again for reading, I love you guys so much!

Alyssa xxx

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