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"Bitch come on!" Neisha grabbed my hand as Ada led the way to the ride. I tried parking my feet down because I did not wanna get on. We were at Six Flags today just to have some fun. They were tryna get me to go on the "dare devil dive" and I was not having it. It had a 95 foot drop and I really didn't want to. An offer of pancakes couldn't even get me to do this.

Ultimately I wasn't strong enough to repel the both of them, so I was forced to get on the ride. Entering the flash pass line, we waited about fifteen minutes until it was our turn to get on. Only six people could ride at once, so A and Neisha sat in the back. I was gonna sit in front of them, which was in the middle, but two girls beat me to it. I was stuck sitting in the front. I rolled my eyes as I heard both of them snickering at my misfortune. One of the workers asked if there was anyone riding by themselves but there were none, leaving me stuck to ride this myself. "I fucking hate y'all asses."

The coaster was going higher and higher with every word. "When I get off this jawn I'm beating both of y'all up." We were at the top of the drop and the coaster leaned over and lingered there for a bit. I shut my eyes so hard as it went on, pushing us over the 95 foot drop. I was screaming the whole time as the two girls and Neisha laughed hysterically at my freak out. At the end of the ride there were tears in my eyes, due to the wind and because I was scared as hell.

When we pulled back into the dock I quickly unbuckled the belt and hopped out, thankful to be on solid ground. "I feel like killing y'all, but I'm still recovering from that ride," I said. We got our belongings and exited the ride, moving in to the next.

Don't get me wrong, I loved coming here. Especially since it was a Wednesday and the lines were a bit shorter. This place made me forget about all the crazy stuff that's been going on. For almost a month I pushed Elijah to the back of my head, focusing mainly on me and my friends. Occasionally Shawn would tell me how he's been, and I just let him talk because I don't wanna be rude. I could give a damn about how he's been. I'm giving him exactly what he wanted: time.

I hooked the fanny pack back around my waist. I unzipped it and pulled my phone out of it, documenting our trip on snapchat.

After a couple more rides, we decided to sit down and eat. Each one of us got a turkey leg and a drink, sharing a plate of curly fries between the three of us. "This the last bit of fun we having for two weeks since finals coming up."

Neisha stuck her tongue out and did a little dance. "I'on have to worry cuz I ain't in college." We both stale faced her in annoyance. I took a huge bite of my leg and stuffed a fry in with it.

"Sai Baby, the food ain't going no where." I was skinny so it really surprised people when I ate. I was always very lean as a child and still am now. Even though I can eat whatever whenever I still eat healthy..... Most times. I took a sip of my sprite to wash it all down. I unzipped the fanny pack and got out hand sanitizer.

Forbidden Fruit (Urban)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin