43: Finally, Food

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"You did not."

"I guess I did."

"Brandon, are you serious right now?"

All I got in response was a toothy grin that made my insides shake with contentment.

"You know you didn't have to do this."

"Actually, I did. As you can clearly tell, I'm not really very fond of people. You, however, are a miraculous exception."

"So you booked out an entire restaurant just for us?"

"Pretty much."

"Oh my gosh."


Just as I was about to say something a waiter appeared and damn was he cute.I'm still allowed to acknowledge that. He sat us down and gave us our menus. After ten minutes he took our orders and as he was collecting the menus his hand accidentally touched mine to which he kindly smiled and said sorry about.

"So when w-" I cut my sentence midway when I realised the look of fury Brandon had on his face. If I didn't know him by now I probably would've run in the other direction, but with all the sweet things he's done and all the efforts he's made I can't help but find his expression adorable even though on a normal day I would probably want to stay ten miles away.

"What's up with you?" I said chuckling.



I was cut off midsentence again when the same waiter appeared and put down the bread basket and our drinks. Brandon still had his jaw clenched and a deep look in his eyes which was starting to bother me. What was his problem? He was all happy go round five seconds ago.

I smiled at the waiter as he left because I could clearly see that the waiter also felt the stiff atmosphere.

"Brandon, are you serious right now?"

"What?"He snapped. I was taken aback by his harshness and it seemed he noticed because he immediately had an apologetic look engraved on his face.

He was clearly stressed about something and me acting hostile would not help so instead I reached over the table to where his hand was resting and laced our fingers. His shoulders sunk down and he blew out a breath.

"What's going on?"

"It's going to sound stupid."

"Come on," I urged.

"Klumsy, I haven't been this happy for a really long time. The last time I laughed so carelessly was when Kai was alive and I don't-I don't want to fuck this up. I dated a lot, but it would never matter to me if the girl and I got into a fight. I never even cared to think about it, but with you," he sighed "with you, it's so much harder yet simultaneously so simple. I want to spend every waking moment with you. With all those girls, it was a mere time pass for me. I needed a distraction and listening to them talk about how Adam Locks stared at their ass seemed time pass enough. But if a guy even dares to look at you in the wrong way I will make sure he ends up wearing contacts and glasses at the same time because that's how badly I'll screw him up. I get jealous. Because you're mine. You are fucking mine Klumsy."

"Did you just objectify me?" I said in an over the top white girl accent.

He smiled. "I was kind of like Justin, to be honest. I never used women the way he did, but I never cared for them either. You, however, not only do I care immensely about but I also fucking respect. I never had a sister or an actual role of a mother in my life. Women were like toys to me. Then you came along with your determination of changing the way Justin thought and you not only altered his mindset but also mine. You changed everything. I even felt bad about the way I thought about women before you came along. Hell, I genuinely thought I might have been gay because I didn't feel anything for those girls. I wasn't into guys but I couldn't come up with any other explanation. Then your clumsy little ass comes along and I have to reconsider and break down everything I ever built up."

I laughed so hard at his confession of him contemplating his sexuality that the cute waiter turned his head to see what was going on.

"For the record, I'm really glad you aren't gay. It would have caused a serious havoc in the female population."

Just then, then our food came.

"I hate that guy," Brandon mumbled with a clenched jaw, clearly talking about the waiter.

"What? What did he do?"

Brandon gave me a deadpan look as if the answer was absolutely obvious. "He's been giving you googly eyes ever since we set foot in here."

"Or he's just doing his job and being polite," I said in a 'duh' tone.

"If he doesn't take his eyes off you right now I swear I'm gonna-" Brandon said, lifting himself out if his seat.

I turned around to see the guy looking straight at me and I'm not going to lie, it kind of creeped me out.

"Brandon, we're literally in pyjamas. He's probably wondering why the heck anybody would show up to such a fancy restaurant in their PJs."

"Yeah, well it doesn't mean he can fucking stare at my girl like that."

I raised my eyebrow at the term he used but couldn't stop the rattling in my stomach. He ate his food as if nothing new had just been said. I cleared my throat.

"So we still haven't exactly discussed this whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing we have going on."






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