49: Twer-KING!

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"Alright alright, fine."

"YEAH!" roared Jesse.

Jace reluctantly headed towards the platform where the DJ was standing and with a few exchanged words the music stopped and the mic was handed to him. With the music on halt, everybody in the club wore perplexed and agitated looks.

Jace was still bruised up but a lot of his major injuries had calmed down. I had to question Caleb but he was out of town the entire month. He came back yesterday and is now celebrating graduation with us. I didn't want my hypothesis to be true. I didn't want to have to learn that Caleb was guilty.

"Hey, everybody! I would like to dedicate what I'm going to do to everyone here! You all deserve to hear my glorious singing voice. So here we go!"

To say it was awful would be like saying that it was good. It was absolutely horrendous; horrifyingly hilarious. Jace was on the platform belting out, "PEPPA PIG!" When he snorted into the mic it echoed throughout the room like a wave.

He then started twerking and with the twerking came,"Give me a si-ah-ah-iiign. Hit me, baby, one more time!" Everybody started chanting, "Twer-KING! Twer-KING!" I actually saw one chick's hand come out and slap his ass. By now, phones were out and recording everything.

"HEY I just met you and this is CRAAAAZY, but here's my number so call me maybe." After that came, "BABY BABY BABY OHHHHHHHH."

Jace tried to hit a high note but instead, it sounded like a wolf howl. By now, people had actually begun to join in.

"I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world. It's fantastic..."

It went on for about another 5 minutes and the room was engulfed in laughter. Jace finally stopped and as he was heading back he tried to crowd surf but apparently, no one was expecting that so his bum kissed the ground with a thump.

For a moment everybody just stood frozen, but then when they took in what just happened they all erupted into laughter again. We all rushed over to him in the hopes that when we would see him we would stop laughing. Luckily, Jace wasn't too far off from the ground when he fell. Let's just hope he didn't fragment the remaining unscathed parts of his body.

"My butt feels numb." Que the laughter.

After making sure Jace didn't damage his brain any more than it already was, we headed back to the little area we were holding hostage with our drinks and jackets laid out.

I was in some desperate need of fresh air so I stepped out of the club to be met with air that was crisp and chilled enough to rattle my teeth as it hugged me fiercely.

Suddenly, the cold air was gone and a jacket was placed on my shoulders. I turned around, expectant to see a pair of green eyes. The only green eyes I'd ever known to hold so much depth and the ones that would sparkle prominently under the spill of moonlight.

I felt a pang of disappointment build up in my chest and told myself to never expect anything. But I should have known. Brandon is weirdly possessive about his clothes. Once I touched one of his button-up shirts and he whacked my hand away so hard that he left a red mark. I demand justice for such a cruel action.

"Caleb, what-what are you doing here?"

"It was just suffocating me inside, you know."

I nodded.

Caleb moved one step closer to me and I shuffled back a bit. I was starting to sense it now. There was always something off about him, the day we went to the coffee shop I had an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach and then the fact the that Brandon never actually liked him hit me. Brandon had warned me about Caleb way before anything like this happened and even when we weren't necessarily the best of accomplices.

"You little shit! Get the fuck away from her!"

Angry and adamant faces flashed before my eyes and before I could register the whirlwind of thoughts that were racing through my mind Caleb was being hurled away from me and thrust into the brick wall that looked as if it was going to crumble from the impact.

Crack. Punch. Crack.

The spine-chilling sound of bones shattering was all that encompassed the thick tension-filled air. That and the groans of Caleb.

And so I threw the first thing that came into my line of vision. A twig. The attacker looked up and green eyes, the colour that oceans turn in the midst of a raging storm, looked up at me in a moment of fury.

"What the hell are you doing? Oh my god, Caleb, are you okay?"

I rushed to help Caleb up only to find that he was seething at Brandon. A streak of blood danced its way down his left cheek and was dripping endlessly onto the pavement, almost in an attempt to bring it to life.

I felt a jolt and realised that I was now standing behind Brandon with him taking a protective stance in front of me. Caleb lunged for Brandon but this time I raced forward and pushed him away. Swiftly, might I add, blocking a punch.

"What the hell is going on? What's wrong with you two?" I yelled at the both of them.

"Why don't you tell her what you've been up to?" Brandon spat while he pulled me toward him and away from Caleb, holding me close to him firmly.

Caleb's expression steered itself into one of realization and panic.

"It was him."

My suspicions were true. I had no time to give myself a pat on the back for figuring it out because the intensity of the affair was gradually creeping into my head. Caleb had tried to run Jace over.

The unabating feeling in my ribcage was telling me I knew why.

A lot of people have been confused with the books ending.

This book is still ongoing and I will make it very clear as to when it will end and when the second will start and what its name will be.

I love you guys so much, thanks for all the comment and votes.






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