Gone... (Sequel to TOTGA)

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Jennifer's POV

"Okay class as you all know we have a spring recital this year?" Our dance teacher Mrs.Amy questioned us.

"Yes" the 10 of us dancers replied.

"Well we must begin to practice our routines, because sponsors will be there and this could be your big break" Mrs.Amy said clasping her hands together. She walked over to the small stereo in the corner of the room and immediately I heard a familiar voice blast. Was I really supposed to dance to this?

"Class our song is Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran, but I am not allowed to use the real version because of copyright so I am using Shawn Mendes' cover of it" She said over the music. The girl around me giggled. I just rolled my eyes. I am so lucky they don't know me.

"Okay now just follow my steps" Mrs.Amy said. Punch,slide,kick,pivet,jump,turn,slide, and repeat. If you ask me it was a pretty simple routine. I would've danced better if I wasn't so caught up in the singer's beautiful voice. Speaking of Shawn, I just noticed I have been in this academy for three whole months and my brother still hasn't attempted to call me nor any of the other boys.  I flowed through it with ease and before I knew it I was done with class for today. The day had gone by so fast. As I walked to my bag Mrs. Amy called me over.

"Hey Jen" She said nicely.

"Hello Mrs.Amy do you need anything?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Indeed I do" She replied.

"So as I have been watching you theses last three months I have noticed how good of a dancer you are" She added and then said the best sentence I have ever heard.

"I want you to audition for the Katy Perry Prism Tour" She said jumping up and down. I was slightly confused how the heck am I supposed to do that?

"Sweetie I am best friends with the choreographer and I took a couple videos of you dancing and well he said....YOU ARE IN" She exclaimed. I was going to dance for Katy Perry. I was going to dance on a stage. OMG YES MY BIG BREAK FINALLY!

"REALLY OH MY GOODNESS WHAT AN HONOR" I yelled and hugged my skinny teacher.

"When do I leave?" I asked her.

"Next month" She answered.

"So I am not going to be in the spring recital?" I questioned kind of happy. To be honest I really don't want to dance to a song being sang by a person who completely forgot me.

"No I am so sorry " She said looking down.

"DON'T FEEL BAD I AM GOING ON TOUR" I yelled up and and scurried out of the dance room. I darted to my dorm. I skimmed the door 127..128...129! I entered the key into the lock and burst the door open.

"GUESS WHA-" I stopped mid-sentence to see Victoria curled up in a little ball with a stick thing in her hand. I rushed over to her and bent down next to her.

"Victoria, hey what's wrong?" I questioned her looking a her red puffy eyes.

"I-I-I'm pregnant" She coughed out crying and handing me the stick which was I guess the pregnancy test. I looked at to see it said positive. Well, I mean she has been getting a little belly lately plus she has been having morning sickness for like three weeks now. Can't say I did see this coming, but I suspected something.

"Do you know who?" I asked her. It was a pretty private question, but it had to be asked.

"Nash was the only person" She said looking at me in the eye sincerely. She really wasn't lying.

"Hey gu-Victoria what's wrong?" Anushri said entering the room.

"She is pregnant" I told Ani.

"What?!" Ani said half mad half sad.


"Calm down please or you'll upset the baby, and the only person was Nash" Victoria explained to her.

"Really?" Ani said calming down a bit.

"Yes really" I said.

"Well who can help us?" I asked.

"We can't just tell the boys or Nash, your girlfriend is pregnant" Victoria said looking down.

"He probably won't want me" Victoria said.

"Girl Nash is head over heels in love with you he would never leave even for this" Ani said.

"Well it shows how much he cares when I haven't heard from him in like 5 months" Victoria replied. As they were arguing a thought came to me.

"I know what to do" I yelled out.

Paige's POV

"Paige I need you to proofread this case and retype it for me" My boss order. I huffed and snatched the case out of his hands. So far I had been in South Carolina for 3 months. Since then I had found a decent apartment with a job as an attorney, plus I got a nice car. It wasn't easy, but I somehow managed to get it. I have only gone to see my Mom and Dad two times. Both times I was so close to seeing Nash. It is really not easy living on my own, I mean I get lonely so easily and my mind sometimes sidetracks to him. 

"PAIGE NOW" My boss yelled at me snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly got to work on the file. Mistake here. Forgot an I. Misspelled. Need to capitalize. Oops forgot a comma. Sentence redo. I spoke to myself as I corrected the many mistakes. After 30 minutes of proofreading I was ready to start writing up the file. 2 hours later I had a clean fresh copy printed out. I was about to get up and hand it to my boss when my phone starts vibrating. I answered without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I questioned into the phone.

"Paige it's Jen" Jennifer said. If she is calling me this must be serious.

"What happened?" I questioned worried. What happened?

"Victoria just found out she is pregnant and we don't know what to do?" Jennifer asked me.

"WHAT?" I yelled loudly into the phone.

"Shh" She shushed me.

"By who?" I said into the phone.

"Nash" Jen said.

"I suggest you take her to the doctor" I said to her.

"Then call me afterwards to check up I wish her luck" I said and hung up. I wish I could be there for Victoria right now. I mean she is my fangirl buddy, but I have work and I am trying to separate and start a new life. Maybe I just don't want to let go of my fangirl buddies. Maybe I could forget about the rest and just remember my 3 besties. I think that could work right? Anyways I snapped out of my thoughts and headed over to my boss with the fresh copy of the file.

"Well done Paige you can take the rest of the day off" My boss said and I darted out the door.

"FREE!" I screamed out into the open. I ran to my car and drove home to my small apartment.

"Ah home sweet home" I said as I smelled the vanilla spritz in the air. I ran to my bedroom and flopped down onto the bed. I just started to think.

"I love you Paige" Cameron's soft voice came into my mind. No bad Paige no Cameron.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Again Cameron's voice.

"Please live Paige" Cameron spoke in my head.

"No you are not leaving me" Cameron's faint voice. All of a sudden my head flooded with all my memories with Cam. All those bittersweet moments I had with him. That is all in the past, but I don't want to let go of it. I just can't

A/N First chappie of the sequel WHOOP WHOOP

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