On Set

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*1 week Later*

Paige's POV

Josh and I kept up our fake couple fling, but I think now it's starting to get real. That is good though because this week was the first week we would start filming. Actually right now I was driving to the set. Oh here it was! What is funny is we are actually filming in a creepy house, so this will be fun.

"Ahh Paige darling come lets go get you ready" The director said and guided me to a make up trailer,

"Hello?" I questioned through the trailer.

"Hi you must be Paige I'm Anabel" The pretty blonde said extending her arm to greet me.

"Hi" I warmly said back to her.

"I am going to be your new makeup artist from now on"She told me and I sat down in her stylist chair.

"So for the first scene they say I need to make you look normal, how the fuck does that look?" She said and I laughed at her.

"Whatever" She shrugged and quickly, but neatly began applying make up on me.

"There we go" She said applying lipstick on me.

"Holy Shit my makeup has never looked this perfect before." I said looking at myself.

"Yeah now lets get you dressed" She said handing me some skinny jeans, high tops, and a fitted t-shirt.

"Come out and look at me" Anabel said.

"Perfect now for the hair" She said. She went over to her little table and grabbed a bandana and professionally placed it on my head.

"NOW GO AND MAKE ME PROUD" She said pushing me out the trailer.

I ran over to my set and positioned myself.

"Okay now as Cathy you have to be Marcus' girlfriends" the director said.

"Wait I have to be her boyfriend" Cameron said with a smirk.

"Ew" I said making a disgusted face.

"Are you saying I'm gross" He said coming near me.

"No" I said and then he quickly got into acting mode as so did I.

*1 hour later*

"That was really good" Cameron said to me.

"Thanks you weren't that bad either" I said to him.

"How about to congradulate each other we go out for some ice cream?" Cameron asked.

"Fine, but I pay for mine and you for yours" I sternly said. He backed off and agreed.

"Shall we?" He asked holding out his hand.

"Sorry, but I go in my car and you in yours" I said and left him hanging.

"See ya" I said to him and rode off to the ice cream parlor. I stepped out of my car and put on my ray bans. They sun was really up today gosh.

"Hey blondie" Cameron said stepping out of his own car.

"Hey Jerk" I said in a friendly tone. We then just stared at each other for a while until I felt my face melting from heat.

"So are we going to eat or not?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah" he said and we walked inside. I looked at all the flavors of ice cream and I couldn't possibly choose one.

"I can't choose one" I said out loud.

"How about I get one type of ice cream and you another and we share?" Cameron suggested. I nodded a yes not even thinking.

"I'll have rocky road and she will have vanilla" Cameron said. I stared at him, how did he know I want vanilla?

"I haven't forgotten anything about you"he said and handed me the cone.

"Thanks" I said to him for paying.

"Can I try yours?" he asked and I nodded a yes.

"I am going to try yours then" I said to him and tried it. Once I finished trying it I looked up at him. I stared into his eyes and he into mine. Slowly he leaned in and we smashed our lips together.

"What's going on here?" an angry Josh came into the parlor. Shit.

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