Out to Adventure

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Carter's POV

*After the movies*

"In all honesty I thought I would've cried" Jen told me and then look at me.

"Now you I didn't think YOU would cry" She chuckled. After seeing that movie I was an emotional wreck.

"Don't laugh at me!" I defended myself.

"I am not I actually think its nice you have a soft spot" She told me.

"Thanks, but can you move faster we have dinner reservations!" I explained. Well in all honesty they were not reservations for me and my sister, but for her and someone who she truly misses.

"Oh my god" Jen stopped dead in her tracks and looked forward. I looked where she was looking and saw him. Sammy. He was already with someone else that is just low.

"C'mon Jen" I said trying to drag her away from the view, but she didn't budge. Sammy and his girl located us and Sammy's eyes were immediately filled with guilt. I looked back at Jen and her eyes were watery. I couldn't stand seeing her like this so I swung her over my back and started walking to the car.

"CARTER LET ME GO!" She struggled.

"Sorry sis I ain't letting you suffer" I responded and opened the passenger side of the car and dropped her in. I looked at her, she was crying.

"Awe Jen come here" I said and snuggled her into my chest.

"I miss him Carter" She said into my chest.

"I know, but sometimes you have to forget dumb guys like him" I said to her. To be honest I never found out why he left her. It was probably his fault though.

"I can't he did nothing wrong it was me Carter, I messed up" She told me. Okay my sister is not the type to say she messed up, but it looks like she actually did.

"You know what talk to me over dinner" I said and hopped into the drivers seat. Maybe she will forget about this over dinner.

Miranda's POV

"WERE HERE!" Jess yelled next to me. Ow that hurt my ear. Jess and Sadie hate surprises, so when I didn't tell them where we were going they were eager. Now that I had reached the destination I wished to go everyone ran out the car.

"Gee thanks for waiting!" I yelled.

"SORRY!" Jess said and kept running. I unbuckled my seatbelt and ran after them.

"YOU BROUGHT US TO SIX FLAGS" Sadie yelled all excited and stuff.

"Yeah" I said cooly and there was no one today, well I kindof made my dad pay so the park wasn't open to strangers just me, the girls, and the guys so I bought our tickets and we ran into the park.

"OMG I have never been here to be honest" Jess said. I looked at her a crazily.

"Out of the 8 years we have been friends I have never taken you here?" I questioned her. She shook her head no.

"Hey why don't we go on Kingda Ka first to get it out of the way?" Sadie suggested.

"OKAY, Last one there has to sit alone" I yelled and ran toward the huge ride. Luckily I got there first, I would've hated to go by myself.

"SECOND!" Sadie yelled. Looks like I am riding this thing with Sadie.

"Awe man" Jess said disappointed.

"Here you can go with Sadie" I said to her and we went through the barricades set up for the line and went straight to the ride.

"Th-" my sentence was chopped off by a familiar one.

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