I can be a Star just without you

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A/N Last chapter you guys were confused so lets clear this up jen hallucinated Shawn and Matt were with her and she got mad at herself for that so she just left her dorm to again clear her mind and yeah.

Paige's POV

*One week later*

Today was finally the day I could fulfill my dream of being a horror movie actress. Josh got me an audition for the lead role and I could never thank him enough.

"PAIGE YOUR AUDITION IS IN THIRTY MINUTES" Josh yelled for me. What do I wear? Um OO. I grabbed my floral red dress and my favorite red pumps and ran out the house into Josh's car.

"Ready?" he said and I nodded. My palms were really sweaty and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey don't be nervous I'll be there" Josh said grabbing my hand it is the first time he's held my hand in the two weeks I've been here.

"Thanks" I said and I leaned on his shoulder.

"Oh look we're here" Josh said and I jumped out the car and ran for my life.

"Paige Grier please come to the audition room." A lady said and I went to a door that had audiotion on it.

"Hello there Miss please state your name and role you are auditioning for" the director I guess said.

"My name is Paige Grier and I'm auditioning for the lead role of Cathy" I said proudly.

"Okay Miss.Grier begin" he commanded and so I began.

"Madge I don't think that door leads to the outside...NO MADGE DON'T LEAVE!" I acted and the lady read the next line.

"Who's there..what do you want from me, first you take my family, then my friends, go ahead might as well take my life" I acted a naturally as I could. The director applauded and dismissed me.

"So how did it go?"Josh asked me.

"I think it went well"I said sitting down to wait.

"Cameron Dallas please come to the audition room" the lady said. Hold the cheese up. Then I looked at the tall guy with his usual snapback.

"Josh quick hide me" I whispered. As if instinct he slapped his beanie on me. I saw Cameron walk by and look at me, but then shrugged it off and kept on walking.

"Paige how long are you going to keep this up?" Josh asked me after a while.

"Until he is out of my life for good" I replied plainly.

"Well how about instead of that you make him know you are over him?" he suggested.

"How though?" I questioned.

"Let's fake date" Josh said easily. I thought about this. Maybe it could actually work.

"OKAY ALL ACTORS WE HAVE OUR ROLES. FOR THE LEAD GIRL ROLE PAIGE GRIER"the lady interrupted I started jumping in my seat.

"FOR THE LEAD MALE ROLE CAMERON DALLAS" she spoke and I stopped jumping. Oh look who is approaching, time to put Josh's plan into action. I quickly grabbed Josh and kissed him. Luckily he got the hint and kissed back. I pushed him away and looked at Cameron. "See you on set" I said to Cameron and walked off with a dazed Josh. Serves Cameron right for stalking me.

Anushri's POV

They put me to a test again. I don't want to live like this. A test everyday it is so tiring. I can't deal with this anymore. Luckily this test dealt with me and cutting. They placed a knife in front of me. I stared at it, how much I want it to slice my skin. This wasn't a test though this was my choice my life my knife.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I'M DONE"I yelled my anger surging through me.


"Jen thank you for trying, but I can't any more" I hesitated and grabbed the knife and stabbed myself. Blood gushed rapidly out of me. This is what I wanted this is what I chose so this is what I face. I was gone..................


Ani is gone I'm crying why the heck did I do this OMG I feel bad. lemme go cry.

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