Forget the Past

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Paige's POV

"THE SHIP DOCKED" Ani went around screaming. I shushed her quickly because Hope was sleeping. Oh yeah well we decided on a name for Nash's baby, and we picked out the one that Victoria always talked about naming the child which was Hope so now she is Hope Victoria Grier. It is a really cute name if I don't say so myself.

"Paige can I hold the child?" Ani asked me.

"Why of course you can!" I said and gladly placed the sleeping newborn into her hands. I walked over to Cameron who had my luggage in his hand. I reached for my luggage and Cameron pulled away. I tried again and he ran away.

"Cameron I have no child in my hand you can give me my luggage" I said running after him.

"But I am still carrying your luggage bae" Cameron said and ran out the ship. He is a smart guy, he knew exactly how to get his way.

"Hey wait up we have to wait for the rest!" I said and eventually caught up to him. I gratefully stole my luggage and placed it on the ground. Then being my lazy self I plopped myself on top of my luggage.

"Tired there mom" Cameron joked around.

"You try having to calm a crying newborn all night" I snapped at him.

"Chill, okay chill" Cameron said sitting beside me on my luggage. He cooly put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

"You know I am just going to fall asleep on you right?" I questioned Cameron.

"Yeah I know why do you think I came here pft" He said in a duh tone.

"Don't sass me" I said to him.

"Just fall asleep grier" He commanded me. I feel like he has said that to Nash before. Whatever I did not answer him because I fell asleep right on his shoulder.

Jennifer's POV

I exited the ship alone opposite to how I entered it. I stepped out and look at it. I let my thoughts overcome my head. I thought how this ship brought and separated people. Sammy left me, Sadie came into Jack J's life, Jack g and Miranda might separate, Jess and Taylor broke up, but something is definitely gonna happen between Taylor and Kaylyn trust me I know more than I should. Before I turned around I gave the boat one last good look, as if saying goodbye to my past forever.

"Goodbye" I muttered and spun around. As soon as I turned guess who was right infront of me? No not Matt! Carter was standing right in front of me and it scared the living spirits out of me.

"Holy!" I screamed. He just smirked at me.

"Well now that I have your attention I would like to take you for a sister and brother day" He said.

"Look I know you have been going through tough times so why don't we have a relaxing day?" he asked trying to help me. At least it showed he cared.

"Sure why not?" I said and he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the await van. Oh wait that's my van haha.

"So where are we going to first?" I asked Carter.

"MOVIES" Carter said.

"What movie do you have in mind?" I asked curious.

"THE FAULT IN OUR STARS!" Carter yelled in the van.

"Your lying?" I questioned him.

"No a guy can see chic flicks too you know" he said in a duh tone.

"Fine, now hit the pedal boy" I hurried him.

Miranda's POV

"Jack sorry about the other n-" I said, but got cut off by Jack hugging me.

"No I am sorry bae, I love you a lot and I would never rush into things okay?" He said.

"Alright" I said and we made our way to the awaiting mini van.

"Hey can we join you guys?" Sadie, if you don't know Jack J's new girlfriend asked as she exited the ship. They are literally the cutest, well they are not exactly dating, but you know what I mean.

"OF COURSE YOU CAN!" I replied to Sadie, but then I remembered I was gonna help Jess. Crap.

"Actually Sadie why don't you join me on a little adventure?" I asked.

"Sure, but just you?" Sadie asked.

"Yep just girls" I said and dragged her over to a moping Jess.

"Bae" I said and hugged her. In the middle of our embrace I realized Sadie was standing there. Awkward.

"Sadie this is my bestie Jess, Jess this is Sadie" I introduced them.

"Hey Jess" Sadie said kindly.

"Hi Sadie" Jess said kindly.

"Well now you are friends so off we go to adventure!" I said and rushed them to my car.

Ani's POV

Okay so everyone just left me with Hope cool, just cool.

"Hey Ani where are the rest?" Kaylyn surprised me by creeping up on me.

"I have no clue" I said.

"So they just left you with these luggage's and a newborn?" She asked concerned.

"Pretty much" I said.

"Here how about we go in the car the guys rented and we go home, well you know what I mean" Kaylyn said. Okay so do I trust this chic or should I bail. Whatever I guess forgive and forget right?

"Okay" I agreed. We immediately spotted their RV and attempted to carry the luggage to the car. Again attempted, but we failed epic-ally.

"Why don't I carry my child?" Nash walked up to us. Oh cool. Wait Nash what? Wait what?

"Nash" Kaylyn said astounded.


I UPDATED WHOOP WHOOP UPDATE ANd its summer so im gonna be updating more frequently

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