Chapter 6

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The next morning when I woke up I was in Jon's bed with my clothes on and in his arms. We had a good night staying up late talking, making out and watched some more movies on Netflix. It was also funny how Jon's brother Aiden kept banging on the door last night because he wanted to watch movies with us. Jon started to tell him that he didn't want to come in because we were making out. Then Aiden said " y'all nasty, why can't you stop kissing each other ". Then after 20 minutes of bugging us Aiden finally went away. Lol.


Damn it felt good having Jennifer in my arms when I woke up this morning. I know this much she is so fun to be around. Aiden though I'm gonna have to talk to him cause what he was doing last night was not cool at all. I wanted it to be just Jennifer and I but nope he had to bug us about 20 minutes. Aiden knocks on my door. "What" I said. Aiden said " What are you doing in there playing with your self ". I got up and opened my door and asked him what did he want. Aiden said " did your play mate go home because she saw a what you looked liked in the morning lol. I'd leave if I woke up next to you too lol ".

I closed the door on Aiden but damn he is so damn annoying. Why couldn't I be the only damn child. It would be nice. Then my phone went off I was thinking that it was Jennifer so I got happy but then I saw my phone and it was a text from my ex emily. Why can't she let me be. I'm happy now.

Emily: hey, babe what are you thing about? I'm thinking about us.

Jon: why can't you leave me alone. I don't like you. We are ex's for a reason. No I don't think about us. I moved on and you should too.

Emily : I'm not ready to move on. We're ex's because you broke us up for some stupid ass reason when I did nothing wrong in the first place.

Jon: um you kept cheating on me why would I want to be with some one like you when I can find some one better. Like now I'm happy because I'm with a wonderful girl that makes me super happy. This is the last text you will get from me.

Emily: you know you want to talk to me. Really I didn't cheat you just went by what every one else said about me and that's not nice.

Emily: hello really your not going to answer me now. You will regret not talking to me.


After I got home. I'm glad my mom was at work cause I didn't want to be questioned by her. But I failed to realize that when I got home I heard foot steps coming down stairs. Then there was Brian and Misty standing at the bottom of the stairs with a great big smile on there faces. " What " I said then Brian says " was it good since you stayed the night at his house ".  I walked pass them and went to my room where I closed my door and locked it then made my way into my bathroom so I can take a shower.

When I got out of the shower my phone was being blown up by Brian and Misty.

Brian: really not talking to us and you can't avoid us bitch. We love here.

Misty: if you don't start talking I'm gonna unlock your door and buy the he'll put of you for real.

BRIAN: HELLO REALLY still not answering that's ok cause I got you bitch believe me I got you.

Miaty: really ok so we are not talking about what happened last night and why you never came home.

Jennifer: both of you meet me in the back yard and I'll tell you but leave me alone about it. Okay.

Misty:  okay sis

Brian : you better tell me every thing but i agree to meet out back.

So I meet them out back and told them every thing and they thought I was lieing, really then I said " damn then I could of gone to bed instead of coming out here to tell y'all". Misty said " well he must of been a great kisser of you two were sucking face all night ". Brian said " duh stupid of course he is good at sucking face. I should go hang out with him and see what he says ".

Man I can't wait until school starts so they can talk about other thing be sides my life and the things I do. I wonder what my girls are doing. After thinking then I get a call from Morgan " hey girl what have you been up too. Brian texted me about you spending the night at Jon's last night".

Omg why can't he just stay out of my business some times. Girl I can't wait to start school so we can have other things to talk about and then we can play soccer when the school. Morgan said " I know cause then we'll be busy and we'll be going to party's almost every weekend". Yea I know I'm looking forward to all of that and more.


Ok I love my sister and I love getting on her nerves about everything and she does it to me. I know her relationship with Jon is new but they are so damn cute. Man I had fun hanging out with Brian last night. We watched the Jaws collect and we kept scaring each other then watched the ring. Then we started talking about Jennifer's birthday since it was coming up soon. I said i wanted to get her a fish and Brian said let's get her a dog.


#I hope every one is enjoying my chapters so far. This is my first book.

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