Chapter 39

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When I came into the lobby I saw Misty, Brian, Connor, Morgan, Cayden and there 2 babies, my mom, Aiden, Gabby, Austin, and my boss man. Well damn I didn't think you all would be able to make but it is going to be a while because she is only 6 centimeters and has to reach 10 but I'm glad you all made once I know more I'll text Aiden and he can share the word. I need to get back. Talk and see y'all in a few.

I went back to be with my wife on the delivery floor. When I entered the room I saw she was crying quitely and my heart broke for her.

I walk over and grab her hand baby what's wrong.

Jennifer said "I'm thinking about my mom and how happy she would be to have been here with me."

Baby calm down its ok. Your mom is looking down on us and she sees how amazing you have grown up and became a wife and now your about to bring our daughter into this world. Your mom would of had a party in your honor for becoming the young lady you are.

Jennifer said "I hate not seeing her every day. I want our daughter's name to be Eva Maria B. She'll still have my moms name. What do you think?".

It's perfect just like you. Then a nurse came in wow you are now at 9 centimeters you have one more to go.

I'm gonna call Aiden to lwt them know. I step into the hallway. I call my brother.

Aiden: hello

Jon: hey bro now Jen is 9 centimeters and has 1 centimeter to go. Just so y'all know there is a delivery waiting room for family and friends. Come up to the 3rd floor and it's to the right. Hey, hold on for a minute will ya?

Aiden: sure

I walk back in tje room what's going on.

Dr. Green says "ready to become a daddy and to met your daughter Eva".

He'll yes I am I'll be right back hun.

Jen said "hurry up".

Jon: so y'all need to hurry up to this floor because it's time.

Aiden: dude go do ypur thing I'll make sure we are all up there before she comes out.

Jon: cool bye.


They are about to be come parents so we need to go to the 3rd floor delivery room to the waiting area. Let's go I told Jon we would make it.


Babe, I'm here. I kissed her for head. When I gave her my hand to hold and damn shit squized my hans so damn tight. The doctor kept telling her when to push and then breath.


This hurts so bad. I hate you Jon for doing this to me. The Dr. told me to push and I did.

Dr. says "ok, Jennifer I need you to push one last time in order for you to meet your daughter. Ok."

I just nodded. So, when he said push I pushed with everything in me then before I knew it we heard a baby cry. Then I started to cry.

Dr. says "here's your baby girl Ava Marie".

The Dr. laid her on my chest and I cried more. Damn I'm in love with my little girl.

Jon next to me had tears in his eyes when I looked at him.

Jon babe, she is finally here and she is perfect love.

Jon says "babe, you did awesome. She looks just like you but with my nose."

The nurse came over and showed me how to breastfeed my baby. When I stilled she took my nipple with no problem and started feeding.

Jon says "is it wrong that, that is turning me on that she is sucking your nipple".

Babe, yes there is alot wrong with that. Lol. But now you have to wait about a 6 to 8 weeks for me to heal before we can have sex again. So, get us to your hand.

Jon says "fuck that but you can give me a hand job and a blowjob right?".

How would that be fair? I could but won't honey it won't be even. Cause while I please you, I'll be suffering.

Jon says "you wanted to get pregnant so that's your fault".

Really, ok then no you can please your self asswhole. Then the baby started crying.

Jon says "I know it's not your fault your pregnant. It's both of ours. I have a hard time keeping my hands to my self when your around me babe. You make me so hard it isn't even funny baby".

Jon go get every one ready to meet Ave Marie B. take her put there while they clean me up and put me in another room.


Babe I love you and Ava and I will meet you in the other room.

Then I gave Jennifer the best I'm sorry kiss.

I left the room with Ava and went out to the waiting area. When my mom saw me she got up and walked over to me. Everyone else followed.

Everyone met Ava Marie B. 

Misty says "omg she is so precious. You have a girl that will get everyone's attention. Is jennifer ok."

She is fine they are cleaning her up and sent me out here with Ava and said we can all meet her in the room they are moving her too.

15 minutes later we were in Jennifer's room while she was asleep on the bed. Ava was asleep too so I put her in her bed next to her mom's.

3 days later Ava and Jennifer were discharged from the hospital. I was so happy to have my lady's home with me.


It feels so good to be home babe and to finally have Ava in her own bed and room. Thank you Jon for doing everything you did while we were in the hospital.

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