Chapter 43

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When I answered the door I saw Cayden, Morgan, Abby and Adam their twin baby's. I noticed Morgan is sad. What's going on y'all is everything ok?

Morgan burst into tears. I let them walk pass me into the living room where Jennifer was playing with Ava. Morgan ran over to my wife and held her tight. I saw she whispered to Jennifer and then I saw my wife crying.

Abby and Adam went to go play with Ava. Cayden came over to me then nodded towards the back door. While our wifes were crying.

What's going on dude? Why is my wife crying?

Cayden says "man Morgan's grandma passed away last night in her sleep. We got the call when her care giver called 911. Alma was like a second mom to Jennifer when they were younger. So, your wife is crying cauae she just lost her second mother."

Damn, man this sucks. When's the funeral?

Cayden says "Morgan's trying to have it for Saturday of next weekend. I'll text you more when we know more.?

Thanks, dude that would be great. Then the door bell. I walked over and answered it and happy to see my boss man my daughters god father.

Boss Man says "where is my god daughter I was coming to see if I can take her out for a few hours?"

Sure. Then I see Morgan, Cayden, Abby and Adam leave. Talk to y'all soon. Cayden and the kids waved.

Ava ran to the door and hugged her god father. Once they left. I went to look for my wife and I found her in the living room looking at a picture of Alma, her and Morgan about a yr ago. She couldn't stop crying.

I walked over to her and hugged her and she grabbed me so tight and wouldn't let go. So, I carried her up to our room and laid down on the bed and held her tight while rubbing her back. An hour later of doing this she fell asleep.

I got up after she fell asleep and I needed to figure out what to do for dinner. So, I made my way down stairs. After figuring it out 20 minutes later I pulled steak, carrots, Hawaiian rolls, salad and bake beans out for dinner.

As I was making the salad I felt two arms hug around my waist. I turned my head and saw met with a sad face but that cleared up when we heard Ava saying she was home.


Man, I can't believe Alma passed away. She was my second mom away from home. I'm gonna miss her. This sucks but at least I have my husband and daughter here with me or I would be lost.

When I walked into the kitchen and find food all over the island and then Jon cutting up a salad. So, I walk over and wrap my arms around him. He turned to look at me and as I was about to kiss him when we heard the front door open and Ava came running in and hugged me around the legs. Then Boss Man came in behind her.

Boss Man says "I got some news and I want to talk to y'all."

Ok what's up.

Boss Man says "I'm getting married and would like to have Ava as my flower girl if that's ok with y'all".

Jon says "that would be nice. Ava what do you think?"

Ava says "wuv the idea to be the flower girl."

Then there is your answer just let us know the time and day.

Boss Man says "ok, will do but I got to go. Talk to you all later."

So later Jon was cooking on the grill with the steak and carrots. While I did everything else inside.

After we ate dinner and cleaned up. I took Ava up stairs to give her a bath. Out of know where I didn't feel so go. I thought it was odd.

While Ava was playing in the tub I was throwing up in the toilet. Then I heard Ava calling for Jon. Once he walked in he was like babe you ok what's wrong.

I feel sick.

Jon says "why don't you go lay down and I'll finish giving Ava a bath."

Ok thanks.

2 weeks later

Jon was at work and I was getting Ava to take her to her doctor app. Once I got her on the car. We left and got on the road. When we were coming up to a red light I hit the brakes but realized that we didnt have any. All I could think about was Ava in the back freaking out. Then all I heard was a crash and our car went flipping through the air.

When I came too. I heard Ava screaming for me but we where still up side down in the car. I could hear people trying to help us get out.
Some one opened My door and I said please go help my daughter. Then all we heard was Ava screaming and crying for her daddy and me.

Once they got her out they got me out but put us in different ambulances. I blacked out in the back of the ambulance.


Man, I couldn't wait to get off from work to see my girls and check on Jennifer. Then out of now where I heard boss man calling me and not looking to happy.

What's wrong Boss Man?

Boss Man says "Jon, there's been an accident."

Ok what are you saying?

Boss Man says "Ava and Jennifer were in an car accident and have been taken to Johnson Hospital they were brought there an hour ago."

How do you know this?

Boss Man says "my fiance just called and asked if Ava and Jennifer were yours once she described them to me. You need to go. All I know is that Ava keeps screaming for you and Jennifer. Go I'll give you time off please let me know whats going on?"

Sure Thanks.

Man now all I could think about is them being ok. Fuck.
I sped the whole way there. When I got there I could hear a kid scream. I told the nurse behind the desk who I was here to see. She told me room 319 down the hall and the second door on the left.

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