Chapter 36

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When I woke up the alarm clock said 8. Man it's been awhile since we had an all nighter of making love even though she is pregnant. We can still get it on super great.

I noticed Jenn isn't in bed so she must be down stairs. So I go into the bathroom and do my business and take my shower.

10 minutes later I make my way down stairs. I find the prettiest woman in the house standing in front of the stove making breakfast. I walk into the kitchen and hear the tv on while I walk over to Jenn.

When I wrapped my arms around her she jumped and put a hand on her heart.

Jenn said "honey you scared me I thought you were still sleeping".

Its hard to sleep when your not by my side baby. But how are my girl's doing?

Jenn said "doing great but just hungry that's all".

I kissed her and hugged her then I started rubbing her back. You want to take a mini vacation? She looked at me like I was crazy for asking that.

Jenn said "babe, we just took the 3 week vacation to the Bahamas. Why do you want to take another one. We need to make sure we have everything for our little princess when she comes".

Babe, I want to take another one because the 3 week one wasn't long enough for us to be away from every one. I'll make sure we have everything for Maria when she comes home.

We need time alone together since I'm always working and you are working from home until she is ready for school. We need this time to our selves. We are aloud to spoil our selves before she comes out. Baby, please don't take this away from us.

Jenn said "where would we go,this time?".

Where ever you want to go baby. You pick, we pack and leave.

She said "it doesn't matter where?".

No it doesn't matter where as long as we are together, that's all I care about baby.


I don't know where to go. But I'll think about it.

He said "that's all I can ask of you honey".

Damn, I love you babe more then you really know.

He said "I love you more then you really know".

Then he started kissing me and passionately and then moving down my body with his lips. Jon backs me up against the counter in the kitchen then sits me on the counter.

Babe why you so naught. He smiles that smile that melts my heart. But he kept kissing down my body. I love it when he gives my stomach attention to and not just my lady parts.

30 minutes later he's done loving on me in the kitchen. Babe I didn't know that you get very horny while I'm pregnant?

Jon said "I'm always horny when I think about you, look at you, just being around you, damn babe just everything that has to do with you makes me horny".

Maybe me being pregnant just turns you into a damn horn dog. Besides you need to keep that on your pants my sister is coming over and bringing some friends over along with her boyfriend.


So who all is going to be here then?

Jennifer says "Misty, Keegan her boyfriend, Samantha, Kelly, Judy, Frank, Kevin, Dave, and Mark. There all friends".

Yea, but do you know any if them?

Jennifer says "yes babe, I know all the girls and only met Keegan and his beat friend Dave. But the other guys not so sure about".

Ok cause I don't want any problems with any of them. Babe, I can't wait to meet our baby girl Mia Marie B. So, when are these little kids coming over?

Jennifer says "let's see its 10:40 so they are going to be here at 11. So, 20 minutes.

Jon slapped her ass for being a smart ass. You will get it later cause of that smart mouth. Plus, I know you can't get enough of this. He points to his dick.


Naw you can't get enough of my lady parts. She said laughing.

Jon said "your right about that one. So what are these kids going to eat?".

Babe, I brought junk food for them and drinks so they don't eat and drink all of ours. Misty said she and Keegan will bring money to order pizzas for every one.

Jon said "where will we be at".

We will be up stairs but I'll come down and check on the little kids you like to call them. To make sure they don't destroy our house.

Babe thanks for always being here. I know I've been a pain in the ass about a lot of things. It means a lot to me. She starts to cry. Since my mom has been gone its been hard to get through so much. She missed my getting married and walking me down the aisle. She is going to miss her first grandchild and the birth. Your family has done so much for Misty and I and I feel like I can never fully thank y'all.

Jon says "babe, no need to thank me or my family. I love you and my family loves you and Misty so much. I'm sorry your mom is going to miss everything with our daughter and what other children we plan to have. But baby your mom will see everything even if she can't be here. She will be watching over our family and us. She will always be watching you and Misty that's never gonna change. She will protect y'all and make sure no one can hurt y'all.

The doorbell chimes. Jon kisses me then goes to the door. I go up stairs to our room and try to calm my self down. Before I know it Misty comes in my room and hugs me.

Misty said "Jon told me what has you so up set and he told me what he said. I miss mom too. I hate dad for what he did to mom. He's been sending me messages for us to come and see him. Just know you'll always have me Jennifer.

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