Chapter 11

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"Misty stop hating cause I can go somewhere cool with my man while you stuck home". I said to her. Misty's reply " Jennifer suck a did and I wouldn't be surprised of you came back knocked up by Jon. Since y'all seem to have sex every chance you get ".

I looked at Jon and he's laughing at what Misty just said to me. I punched him in the arm and said " that's not funny ". Then Jon said " babe, it's ok chill she will be fine. Just bring her something back from our trip and she'll love you all over again but not the way I love you all over ". Not funny.


So we are here in Mexico. We are in the lobby of our hotel. Morgan, Sophia and I are checking into our rooms. While Jon, Cayden and Austin grab all the bags.

So after the guys came into the lobby. We waited by the counter and had some bell hops to take our luggage to our rooms.

Cayden said " so we should go to our rooms get some rest (he started wiggling his eye brows) then meet up a little later to have dinner and to discuss what the plans are".

Jon said "that's a great idea" as he grabbed Jennifer around the stomach. Then slapped her ass. Jen turned around and said "no your not you can get rest your ass on the floor".

Then Jen walked away from him towards the elevators. The girls laughed as they walked away from the guys.

Cayden said "wow, good luck with that while I get my rest". Morgan said "no your not".

Cayden said "your not holding out on me again. Babe, I had a major hard on for a few weeks. Babe, please don't put me through that again".

Morgan said "you have a hand that works just as good".  The girls laughed. Cayden and Jon said "y'all ain't very nice shit we might as well share a room then".

Morgan and Jen looked at each other smiling. Then Morgan said "ok, then I'll  be in Jen's room while you two can go fuck each".

With that being said the girls walked into the elevator while guys went to the bar. Austin said "see ya I'm not fucking this up with my girl".

Cayden called Austin a pussy and then Austin turned around and said " I might be but at least I'm getting some and you losers aren't". Lol.

Then Austin walked away. Jon and Cayden looked at each other as they drank their beers. Jon said "well I think I fucked up me vacation".

Then Cayden said "dude she hasn't been with any one for a long time until now. She's still getting used to it. She told Morgan that she feels safe and secure with you and that she's still getting used to you showing her affection the way you do".

Jon said "how do you know this. Why can't she tell me this stuff instead of telling y'all. I get she is still nope I take that back I don't understand".

Cayden looked at Jon then said "she loves you more than you'll ever know. She doesn't want anything to come between y'all. She's afraid to lose you. Look I hate talking about emotions that has nothing to do with me and Morgan".

Jon nodded his head thinking about Cayden just said. Then Jon drank the rest of his beer. "I need to talk to Jen cause I sure as fuck don't want to share a room with you, I'd rather sleep with my baby tonight".

Cadyen said "I feel you on that one man. Let's go get our lady's and the right rooms".

So the guys walked up to the elevator and went in and up to their floor. Their doors were right next to each other.

Jon used his card key to open the door and saw Jennifer sitting on the bed.
Jon went over to get in front of her and sat on the floor between her legs.

Jon put his arms around her hips. "Look, I'm sorry but I wasn't trying to be an ass or anything. But I like touching you and being able to show you affection. I love you more then you'll ever know".

Jen said "it's not your fault I'm sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for. I love it when you touch me and show me affection just like I do to you. I love you too. Let's forget what happen because I want to get my rest with you if you know what I mean starting in the shower".

Jon smiled and put a do not enter on the door nob. Then started to undress and went to the bathroom as he heard water running. Then he got into the shower with Jen.

An hour later they were in bed playing around. Then there was a knock on the door. Morgan yelled come on open up with her ear to the door.

Then Morgan started laughing. Cayden said "what's funny". Morgan said "their having sex cause I hear alot of moaning. Lol. Maybe we should come back later".

Then 20 minutes later Jen came to the door in a long dress. Smiling at Morgan.

Morgan said "did you have fun in there (giggling like a little girl) while you were playing".

Jennifer looked at Morgan and smiled then said "wouldn't you like to know but I'm not sharing. But we did had a nice chat after the shower and before bed".

Morgan laughed as we were walking to the elevator hand in hand with our men.

So we went to a bar on the beach by our hotel and we had drinks and dinner. We were having a great time until a bitch named Emily came over to our table to talk to Jon.


When I saw Emily coming to our table. I pulled Jen on to my lap and hugged her back to my front. I saw Austin and Sophia dancing on the sand grinding on each other.

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