Chapter 28

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It was about noon when my fine ass wife camer and brought me lunch. I'm in the building working when I get a text from my wife.

Sexy lady: hey I'm here so come get it if your hungry

Me: I'll be down in a sec. My ass is hungry for food and you

Sexy lady: stop being nasty hun. But just know when you get back home you can get all you want ;)

Me: you don't know what you just did to me:)

Sexy lady: lol babe come and get your food

Me: see you in a second

As I walk down to meet my fine ass wife I pass 2 of my coworkers were talking about my wife so I stop to listen to them.

Tony said "man I would die to have Jennifer as my wife but dude I'd be hitting that every night and morning"

Connor said "dude shut up don't talk about Jon's wife that is disrespectful"

Tony said "dude your friends with them right. Cause I want to know how to be friends with them and go to there house and hang out with them"

Connor said "ya I'm friends with them but you don't need to be around them with the way you talking about his wife"

Tony said "I can't help it but like her because she is so damn fine"

Connor said "if you want to be friends with them then you need to respect the fact that Jennifer is his wife and not some one you can just hit on. Jon and I have been friends since fucking high school. We've been best friends for about 6 yrs now. I love Jennifer like my sister and Jon like my brother. I respect them both do fuck you and go back to work you ass. Don't let Jon hear you talk about Jennifer cause he'll hurt your ass"

Tony said "whatever man, I got to work"

Connor said "you've been warn ass whole"

They went there own ways. I kept walking until I saw my wife. My boss was talking to her. As I was getting closer they were laughing about something. When she saw me she had a big smile on her face.

Jenn said "damn took you long enough to come see my ass, damn I was ready to leave and put your lunch in the office"

Babe if you left with out seeing me then we would have a problem because I wanted to see you so bad. "Ok, I'm leaving you too alone". Boss man said. I walk to her and pulled her in my arms. You ain't leaving and then I gave her a very long kiss and I deepend the kiss.

Jenn said "so you missed me already. Thanks for the breakfast babe it was delicious". You don't need to thank me because I do that every morning but you are more delicious than food. So what yummy food did I get food lunch.

Jenn said "your looking at it, sike you have a turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo. You have bbq chips and some other things". You can't tease me cause I do want you for lunch and dinner and breakfast and as snacks in between meals.

I grabbed her ass and pulled her to me. See what you do to me when you say things like that. Jenn said "yea, that's your problem babe. But I have a feeling you would rather I do this". Babe your making it worse when you have your hand down my pants and on my cock while kissing me.

Jenn said "I know you love it when I do this. But you'd rather I pull it out and suck on it for you". Damn it you are gonna pay for this. I started moaning and grinding into her hand. I'm gonna lock you in a room for a week and do nothing but eat you out and tease your ass. While she still had her hand down my pants fucking Tony came over to us.

Babe stop Tony is coming over here. Jenn said " to bad cause now I'm horny". Girl. Tony said "hey, what y'all doing?". Good i said in between my moans. Go away Tony my wife and I are talking. Tony said "no it looks like she is fucking with you while her hand is down your pants".

Yep, that pissed me off. Jenn moved her hand from my pants then I stood their to get my breath together. Connor came over and told Tony "I said let them be. Damn you never listen".

You know Tony I heard you and Connor talking before I came out here. Jenn looked at me like what is going on. I know how much you like my wife. I know you want to become friends with us just so you can hang with my wife. But Tony none of that is going to happen. I hear about how you come and flirt with my wife when she comes here to bring my things or just to see me.

You make my wife so uncomfortable it ain't right. I want my baby comfortable where ever she goes know get away from us or I'll fucking hurt you. Jenn said " Tony you are not welcome at our house. You give me the creeps. When I come for him just stay away or I'm gonna start yelling rape".

Tony gets closer and says "you can't just swing that word around like it means nothing". Jenn pulled my back to her front to block him from seeing her. Tony she can say what she needs when you come around her and you have been warn. Connor hear is a witness and so am I. Actually babe lets go to the cops. Tony said "then she can't come here no more".

That's ok because I'll always make a trip to the house to see her for now on, so she can at least be comfortable. Connor man come with us cause you are our witness and Jenn is shaking so I need to drive to the station then our house. Can you follow?". "yes". Connor said.

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