Chapter 23

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I was grateful when every one left because I didnt want to be around any one I just wanted to be alone. So I left the house and didn't tell any one. I hurt to much. So I drive over to my moms house.

After I got there I went straight for my moms room and ladied on her side of the bed and cried my self to sleep.


After every one left. I looked around for Jennifer and didn't see her any where. I found misty and asked if she saw her sister.

Misty said "no, I thought you were with her." I was but I had to use the bathroom. So I went to the bathroom. I didn't think she would leave.

Misty looks at me and said "she might have gone to our moms house." Thanks and I'll go look can you stay here and watch the place. Misty nods yes.

As I saw the other car I pulled in behind it. I got out and looked around then went into the house. I looked in the kitchen, living room and dinning room. So now I need to look up stairs.

I looked in her old room and no sign. Then I looked in her parents bed room and saw my baby sleeping. I also noticed that she cried her self to sleep. I wish I can take her pain away.

I walk over to her. Baby wake up. Baby wake up. She started to open her eyes. I can tell that she was getting ready to cry again. My heart breaks all over.

She sits up and slides to the side of the bed. Then pulls me to her by my pants and hugs me tight and starts to cry again.

Baby lets go home its been a long day. All she does is hug me and shakes her head yes. We walk out to the car I drove over there.

So when we get home. She gets out and wits for me. She takes my hand and we walk in together and we go up to our room. She falls on the bed in her clothes. I crawl on the bed next to her and pull her to me and we fall asleep.

A Year Later


So it was a hard year for misty and I it we made it. Gabby and Austin's wedding is a week away. We are all getting excited for them. Jon is working with a construction company.

I am bettrt. My dad got life. I don't feel sorry for him. Misty and I got all of mom's things out of the house and we put it on the attic.

Misty I called. She says "yea, what's up". I look at her then run to the bathroom to throw up. She follows, "Jen are you all rite." she asked. I don't know I feel sick.

I look at misty and she is looking at me with a huge grin on her face. What are you smiling about.  She says "I bet your pregnant".

What no I'm not. She looks at me "o really well let's find out." Misty knock it off. She looks at me and says "why, y'all ain't quite when y'all having sex actually I can here everything". Shut up Misty I say then throw up again fine Misty you win lets go to the doctor.

So two hours later we are at my Dr's office waiting to be called back. While waiting Jon texted me.

Babe: hey, babe what are you doing? I'm missing you. I might have to work a little later tonight.

Me: I'm at the doctors with Misty. I have been feeling sick for the past couple of days and want to see what's wrong. Babe you are always working late. Its like you don't want to be around me any more. Do you even love me?

Babe: what's going on? Of course I love you. You are my everything. I want to be around you all day if I can. But I need this job baby and we work late some nights.

Me: what ever you do what you want any way. Rite. If you don't want to be with me any more then please just let me know now before we set a wedding date.

Babe: we are gonna talk when I get home because I don't know what's going on with you. I want to marry you and I'm gonna merry you baby. I love you. My break is over. See you tonight.

Me: all right. I love you.

After I get off the phone they call my name. Misty and I walk to the back and a nurse takes us to an open room. 45 minutes later we are leaving and I'm ducking pregnant. Misty was rite. I guess Jon and I will have a talk later when he gets home.

Its 9:30 at night Jon should be walking through the front door. "Baby, I'm home is what I hear Jon say to me." I tell I'm I'm in the kitchen. He walks in and puts his arms around me and kisses the side of my head.

I put the dish I was cleaning down and turn to look at him and put my arms around is neck. Sorry about earlier babe, I'm not sure what got in to me. He kisses me and says its ok.

Misty walks through the kitchen Jen did you tell him the good news. Not yet. Misty go to a friends house please or go to Morgan's. Jon looks at me what's going on and what is she talking about baby.

Misty just stood their. Jon I'm two months pregnant that's why I have been acting weird. Jon looks at misty and says go to yours friends for the night now. Jon looked at me and had a big grin on his face. Baby you better go get in the shower. Are you going to join me. "Yes baby"
I am he said.

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