Chapter 17

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Morgan's Wedding Day


So it's 8:00 in the morning at we are at a fansy four season hotel getting ready. So Morgan how do you feel today.  Morgan looks so happy and she's glowing.

Morgan said "well I'm 7 months and getting married and I couldn't be any more happier than I am now. No what I take them back when I become Cayden's wife and have his baby's that I'll be happy."

I'm glad that I'm hear to be enjoying the whole trip you are taking. Your going to be a senior married and have twins. How will you handle that?

Morgan said "good question but I might just drop out and get my GED online since I'll be to tired to go to school."

Girl I understand it's just gonna suck not being able to walk across the stage with you. Morgan said "hey, I didn't say I was I just saying I might cause I want to walk across the stage to show every one I did it married and with twins. I'm gonna kick high schools ass cause I'm gonna do everything I can to walk across the stage."

Girl I love you, let's get ready for your wedding. Misty walks in wearing a pretty dress that went down to the floor. The color of the dress was a lite pink dress.

I started getting ready and my dress was a strapless dress that started at a lite pink then got a lil darker as the bottom of my dress hit the floor. Morgan I love this dress. She smiled at me and said "I knew you would and because your my maid of honor I thought you deserved a new dress. You better have me as a maid of honor at your wedding with an amazing dress".

I knew I loved you for a reason. I'd course you'll be my maid of honor when ever I get married girl. It's too bad Gabby isn't here to enjoy this with us like we always wanted.

Morgan got quite and then said "I invited her even though she and Austin aren't together. I miss her Jen but why couldn't she just stay faithful to Austin. That man adorn her she was his queen and that's how he carried it".

Morgan I miss her too but it's your wedding day and you need to be happy cause there is a fine man named Cayden at the end of the aisle waiting for his sexy wife to be. Hopefully she will show so we can reconnect our friendship with her.

Morgan smiled she got her hair curled and her make up on now it's time to go. Austin walked her down the aisle. A few minutes later they say "I do". They walked by down the aisle hand in hand. God I hope I look as happy as they do one day. I said to myself.

All the guest went to the after party and while there. Morgan and I were walking around and talking. We saw Austin in a corner making out with some girl. When Austin saw Morgan and I, he said something to the girl and when she turned around we saw it was Gabby that Austin was making out with.

Gabby came over to Morgan and I and hugged the hell out of us. Gabby said "I'm so sorry for how things went down. I should of responded back to y'all when y'all reached out to me. I was so heart broken I didn't want any one around. I'm sorry I pushed y'all away from me".

It's understandable but we never gave up on our friendship with you. So does this mean you and Austin are together again. She looked at Austin and then back at us.

He said he wants to talk to me after the party. He says he missed me so much. I told him that I'm sorry I hurt him and I never ment for what happened that day to go down. I hope u can give me another chance to prove I changed for the better and he is the only one I want in my life".

We I hope it works out with you both. We're gonna walk around more until we start to toast to them. So about 30 minutes later every one went to the dinning area. Austin stands up and says Excuse me I'd like to make a toast. Some one handed him the microphone.

Austin says "I've known Cayden and Morgan since kindergarten and that's where Cayden became my best friend. We meet Morgan about a few months later with her two best friends. We all became best friends from that day on. But any way I remember when we had our every first football practice in 8th grade. Cayden told me, man I'm gonna marry that girl one day and she is gonna carry my baby's. Lol the funny part is, she is carry his twin baby's. I'm happy to see them happy together. They have been dating since 6th grade. They show me what I want out of life. I'm sorry I keep going on with my speech but I wish Morgan and Cayden the best wishes to a happy marriage and happy parenting. Love you guys".

Now it's my time. I take the mic from Austin. I stand up and say I have known these two love birds since kindergarten. I love Cayden like a brother. I love Morgan like the sister I've never had. Misty stands up and says "hey". Every one laughs and then she sits down. I'm glad I've been able to have these two amazing people in our lives. I wish them the best marriage and great parents that they will soon be.

Jon standed up and said "to the new parent and happy newly weds". Every one cheered. Then we continued our dinner. Morgan and Cayden did there first dance together as Mr. and Mrs. Reid.

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