Chapter 13

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So I took Morgan to her Dr appointment a few days later. She hasn't said anything to Cayden about the pregnancy yet if she is. Morgan goes in the back.

30 minutes later she comes out crying. I run to her and hug her. She tells me she is pregnant and she is 8 weeks.

"Damn, you need to tell him. He's gonna want to know". She cries and nods her head.

We drive to Cayden's house. It's was quite in the car. When we get their we get out of the car and start walking to the front door.

Then the door opens and Jon came out of the house to greet me. Then Cayden comes out and runs to Morgan when he sees she is crying.

Cayden says "babe, what's wrong. You can tell me anything. I'm here for you. Please talk to me".

Morgan says "I'm 8 weeks pregnant". She noticed Cayden got quite and she turn to go back to the car but Cayden grabbed her arm and hugged her tight and kissed her head.

Then Cayden looked at Jon and I and said "I'm gonna be a dad and this beautiful, amazing lady is going to be the mom to my child".

Morgan looked at Cayden and said " your happy about this. I thought you would of been mad or something".

Cayden said "no babe, I want a family and all with you even though we started sooner then we wanted but fuck Morgan I love you more than life it's self.

I was gonna wait until Saturday night but Morgan will you do me the honor and marry me (he got down on his knee)".


OMG yes, yes, yes I love you Cayden so much. What are we going to do because we still have next year of high school.

Cayden said "we will figure it out. Babe you just made me the happiest man alive".

Jennifer and Jon came over to hug us and say congratulations. Then we go out and celebrate this special moment in our lives.

Cayden gave me a diamond cut ring for my engagement ring. I love it so much. Now how do I tell my grandma. I hope she doesn't flip out.


Damn my girl surprised me but I'm so happy. All I give a damn about is her and now our unborn baby.

Maybe I should buy us a house. Morgan we don't have to get married until we graduate next year. She looks at me and my heart stops beating.

"Cayden no baby I can't wait to start our lives as a family, whole family".

I died and went to heaven she knows how to get to me.


OMG I'm so happy for my friends. Morgan asked me to be her maid of honor and that Misty can be a bridesmaid. I'm so happy for them.

Jon pulled me out of my mind when he kissed me. I kissed him back then smiled at him.

Then his phone started blowing up like his mom  was trying to get a hold of him. Then he looks at his phone and I see Emily's name. Now I'm pissed.

What the fuck why is she texting you Jon. Why haven't you blocked her. Jon looks at me like something was going on.

Jon said " I did block her and I don't know why she was calling me."

Really well if you blocked her then her name would not pop up on your phone.

Then another text came in his phone saying she had fun last night and that Jessica said she would like to do another three some when you aren't around Jen.

Really I looked at Jon. He said "babe, I have no idea what she is talking about. Please believe me. I love you too much".

Then he had pictures come through. I saw them. It was him with Emily and another girl. Really Jon after everything you do this too me. Fuck you.  I thought you were different but no your not.

I took off his promise ring and throw it at him and got up and ran out of the place. Jon gets up and picks the ring up then comes after me.

Jon says " Please damn it, I've been nothing but faithful to you. I love you Jen. I didn't do this shit. You mean the world to me. If I don't have you then I have nothing".

I turn and looked at him and said "
then you have nothing. You can't sit there and tell me nothing happened. Those pictures say alot Jon. I can't believe I though you would be different than all the others. Damn, I'm so stupid. I fell in love with you Jon. In love and this is what I get back. You don't  love me and never did. Good bye Jon have a good life with the one you want to be".

Jon said " I fell in with you too. You can't act like this isn't hurting me. I fucking love you. Please stop acting like I don't care or it doesn't hurt me to my very soul. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and raise a family with and to be my wife one day but that can't happen because of my bitch whore of an ex. She is the one that is causing this. She doesn't want me with you or me happy with you. Please I can prove I did nothing wrong".

Now you can tell her that her one dream came true today. Cause we are no longer together and I'm no longer happy. So go do what you want. O, you can go to the dance alone or with Emily because we aren't.

I looked at Jon one last time and walked away from him. So hurt by his actions with his ex and another girl. I thought he was the one for me but I guess not now.

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