Chapter 4

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I watched William and Chase walk outside towards the shed. They returned to the back porch with three water guns, a bucket, and a hose. Chase started to fill the bucket with water while William struggled to fill the water guns. I giggled at the little kid who was now dressed in a light blue striped shirt and dark blue shorts.

"So how does this game work?" I questioned.

"Well, everyone gets a water gun and you have to hide. Two people are zombies and one person is the zombie slayer." Chase explained.

William jumped up and down chanting, "I want to be the zombie slayer." Chase handed me a green water gun and he handed William a blue one. Chase's water gun matched mine, indicating that we were the zombies.

"Okay, when you are soaked by the zombie slayer or you give up, you become a zombie slayer and try to slay the last zombie. The object of the game is to be the last zombie alive." Chase looked at William, then at me, "Ready?" he asked.

"Sure." Chase ran in the opposite direction of me and hid behind a bush on the front lawn. I ran to the back of the yard and hid behind the shed. I saw William covering his eyes and counting to ten. When he reached ten he ran in the direction that Chase went. In a matter of seconds I could hear William screaming and laughing and Chase faking a death. It was a mixture of him begging for mercy and falling on the ground.

I moved further behind the shed so I was hidden completely and waited quietly. "Where could she be?" Chase asked to no one in particular.

I slid to the other side of the shed thinking Chase was coming from the opposite direction but was completely wrong when I felt my back become wet. I turned around and saw Chase squirting me with his gun. I squealed and ran the other way.

I ran into the middle of the yard where I was completely exposed. William was running at me with his gun pointed. I turned around to get away when I was greeted by Chase holding his gun at me as well. On instinct, I brought my gun up to protect myself and found that it was no use.

When I was distracted by Chase, William started squirting me with his water gun from behind and I knew my life as a zombie was over.

I turned around and sprayed him too. He started laughing as his light blue shirt became a darker blue. When William stopped laughing he looked behind me and his hand flew to his mouth. He started laughing again and backed up. I turned around in confusion only to see Chase standing behind me holding the bucket of water. So that's what that was for. "Chase," I backed up holding my hands in front of me, "you don't want to do that."

It was too late for reasoning when Chase lifted the bucket in the air and poured the whole thing on top of me. I screamed in horror as I felt my sweater becoming soaked. I could feel my tank top clinging to my stomach. I ran over to the hose that Chase left on. I took it and started spraying him and William.

Chase picked up William and brought him over to where the hose used to be, using him as a sheild along the way. They picked up mud, from the hose being left on, and ran towards me. My eyes got wide and I moved back. "No," I screamed as I was hit with mud, left and right. I picked up mud of my own and threw it at them. I hit Chase directly in the face and me and William both started laughing.

Soon enough, me and William were on the same team against Chase. We both ran over to him, me with the hose and William with mud. He tripped and fell to the ground landing on his back. Me and William both attacked him. William jumped on top of him and rubbed the mud on his face. I sprayed the hose in his face at the same time and we all started laughing histarically.

Chase picked up more mud and this time instead of throwing it at me, he threw it playfully at William, avoiding his face. I laughed at William's reaction, swatting at the air trying to get it away from him. Chase picked him up, and set him on top of his shoulders. Once he was in position, Chase asked, "Ready Pilot?" in a deep vioce.

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