Chapter 2

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Petra woke to the soft hum of an ocean. It seemed so close that she could smell the salt like she was standing on a shoreline. She opened her eyes, but to her disdain her vision was still blurred from that blasted sigil those men painted on her forehead to repress her Demonic powers. Then, all at once, her body was overcome with a wave of pain. She let out out a moan in agony and slowly propped herself up on what felt like a bed.

"Careful." A man's voice spoke from across the room. "Your wounds have finally stopped bleeding, I don't want to change the bandages again." Again... She thought. Petra's hands fell to the soft cloth that was now wrapped around her wrists and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who are you?" She asked again, knowing he had already given her an answer once before.

"My name is Kayn." He spoke, his voice drifting closer to her.

"Yes, you've told me this. But who are you? Why did you save me? How did you know I was captured?" She sat now at the edge of the bed, her legs hanging off the soft edge of the mattress.

"Who I am is not important right now." He began, now standing right in front of her. "I saved you because you sounded like you were being tortured. I found out you were captured when I showed up and killed all of those men." He hissed. The words left his tongue matter-of-factually.

"But why bother?" She asked "Why stick your nose in a situation like that? For a stranger?"

"Because you sounded angry. You sounded powerful." He was still in front of her, but now he knelt by her knees.

"What are you doing-" Petra became distracted by how close he had become to her.

"I didn't want to clean the wounds on your thighs while you were asleep." He spoke to the sound of water swishing in a bucket. "So now I'm going to clean them. Please don't fight, I'm not trying to... assault you." He said quietly, ashamed that he had to give that disclaimer and really because he had to clean wounds inflected in such a delicate place on this woman's body.

She didn't say anything. She knew the wounds were grieve and mostly likely needed medical attention hours ago. She knew they would scar no matter what, and in the state she was in now there was no way she could tend to her injuries without assistance. So, bitterly, she accepted his help.

The cold damp cloth touched her thigh by her knee and she couldn't help but to flinch. Petra's body instantly became tense as he carefully pressed the cloth into the first lash wound. Kayn said nothing as he alternated thighs, slowly making his way closer to her torso. The closer he got, the more tense she became.

"Tell me to stop if you should want me to." He whispered. Yet, as he was slowly made his way up to more delicate regions of her body, so tactfully caring for her wounds, all Petra could think about was why this stranger was showing her so much compassion...

"Why are you doing this?" She finally spoke, her body shuddered at her own question.

"Why shouldn't I?" He asked, dipping the rag back into the water and dabbing it on a particularly deep cut. "I am able to, I am willing to, and I would feel wrong not helping you." He said.

Petra didn't reply, because her next comment would only invite pity, and she didn't want or need this man's pity.

He had finally cleaned off the lash marks and wrapped each thigh in a cloth then stood up, still standing in front of her. He intended on freeing her form the binding sigil regardless of how bad of an idea he knew it may be. If she was as powerful as she had sounded, when he released her it may end badly for him. 

"I'm going to unbind you." Kayn finally spoke after brief consideration. "But I need you to know that when your vision returns I will not appear as I am right now."

"How are you going to remove this? And what are you talking about?" Her brow furrowed, confused as to how this man thought he'd remove a sigil that would literally burn the skin off of human bones in an instant.

"I have the ability and strength to do so without harm." He began, his voice sounding quite sure. "I am not an ordinary man."

His voice we slowly becoming deeper, and now Petra could feel his presence much stronger than she could before. Now he was radiating heat, like a fire. His aura went from normal and composed to chaotic and intense.

"What are you?" She whispered.

"Tell me you will not attack me the moment I remove this sigil." The voice grew even deeper, like dozens of men all speaking at once in a large open room.

"What are you?" She insisted.

"Tell me you will not attack me or I will kill you..." He growled, the heat from his body forming beads of sweat against her skin.

"I won't." She agreed, and in that moment she felt a warm and rock hard hand caress her cheek and a thumb press firmly against the mark on her forehead. Her skin sizzled under his touch and the room filled with smoke as Kayn melted the binding sigil off of her body. She winced in pain and instinctively tried to pull away, but he held her face firmly as he continued to work.

Petra's vision slowly began to return and she was shocked to find a Demonic figure standing before her. He was huge, his height almost surpassing the room's ceiling. His skin was dark with varying tones of red mixed with what almost looked to be lava stone. Kayn was no human- but some type of Demon possessed man.

Again she asked "What are you?"

EDITED 11/16/17

Kayn's Prodigy: A League of Legends Fan FictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum