Chapter 20

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Rhaast ran outside to find the Juggernaut holding Petra's body in the air by her neck. Her legs flailed around as she tried to wiggle free. Kat had lunged at him and inflicted only minor wounds before he back handed her away, her body flying a few feet from the fight. Soraka and Lulu did their best, healing Kat and firing what little magic they had left in effort to help Petra.

Kench had been on land for a while now as he helped Soraka recover. He rushed over, his long tongue whipping out to this the large humanoid creature. He landed a good hit to its face, causing the guard to release Petra and grasp at it's own eyes.

Kench lashed out another hit, and another before unhinging his jaw and swallowing the Juggernaut whole. This didn't go over too well. He was too big and it caused Kench to spit him out. The Juggernaut leaped forward pulling a large axe from his back and swinging it at Kench. He met the blow with his body, a protective shield forming around him from Lulu.

Petra had caught her breath and jumped into action pulling her crystal sword towards her and sending it flying into the Juggernaut's stomach. Though it stabbed him, it seemed to have no serious effect. She pulled the sword out and it shattered. Using those shards she threw them back towards the creature. He staggered, swatting them away like flies. He was too big and too strong, they needed help.

Thankfully Rhaast had ran over, meeting the Juggernaut with a strong swing from his scythe. Finally he took some sort of damage, a large gash appearing across his head. Blood began to drip from the wound.

"Keep firing, Petra." Rhaast yelled, swinging his scythe back again then swinging it forward. The Juggernaut flew back only a few yards and seemed confused for a moment before he rose to his feet again. Rhaast reared back the weapon again, bringing it down onto the ground with all his might. The Juggernaut was knocked up in the air for just a moment and came crashing back down onto the ground. Rhaast swung, again, as hard as he could. His scythe only causing minor wounds.

Petra had conjured up more crystals, she wielded them in the air above her and dove for the large creature. They flew down and pierced his torso and shoulder causing him to howl in pain. He pulled back, his eyes glowing like lava. Then suddenly he began yelling. Fire spewing from his skin as he ran full force at Petra and the others. She did her best to move out of his tackle but was hit anyway, sent back at least a hundred feet into a tree.

Rhaast knew he would kill her if he landed his charge on her. He was still running full force like a train off it's tracks. The other girls tried their best to slow him but he was unstoppable, and was headed straight for Petra who had been knocked out cold.

Kayn knew what he had to do, and Rhaast heard his demands. They dashed forward as fast as they could, their body still one. Grasping the scythe tightly Rhaast leaped into the air and tore straight down the Juggernaut's back, ripping a hole into him. Rhaast became only a shadow and leaped inside the creature's body. He was paralyzed for a moment, than began clawing at his own chest.

Kayn had learned this technique from Zed. He had only done it once before, and knew it was risky to perform now. If he didn't weaken the Juggernaut enough he would rip out of it's body and surely be pushed aside. Petra would likely be killed before Rhaast could regain his energy.

The Juggernaut was screaming, still clawing at his chest. Rhaast was burning him from the inside out, and they stayed inside of the creature for as long as they could. Finally, Kayn burst out of it's chest. Almost all traces of Rhaast had subsided and that left only Kayn to finish this. He landed on his feet then with one last full force blow leaped at the Juggernaut and landed his scythe directly into it's skull. The sound of bone crushing under the impact echoed through the woods and bounced off the swamp like a bass drum. The Juggernaut fell to it's knees, blood pouring from it's head. It staggered forwards, arms stretched out reaching for Kayn. It hit face first into the marsh, the water staining red as it thickened with blood.

Tham Kench's eyes flickered from under the surface, the gleam of his teeth in the moon light disappearing as his jaw opened wide and swallowed the dead Juggernaut whole. Kayn nodded to him then watched as he swam off into the dark water.

The fight was over, they successfully rescued both Lulu and Urgot's girl. This would surely give Kayn a better name within Noxus- or, at least, a safe place to go. He stood proudly staring at his own reflection in the bloody water. He was tired, and he thought Rhaast was too, as he was silent inside the confine of his mind.

Kayn remembered Petra and snapped out of his own head. He ran over to her, Soraka and Lulu both healing the poor girls battered body.

"Is she ok?" He asked, kneeling next to her.

"I think so." Soraka said "She's breathing, and we healed most of her wounds."

"She's just unconscious." Lulu added.

Kayn breathed a sigh of relief. "Good," He lifted her limp body in his arms. "We need to leave. Now."

"Where are we going?" The red head asked.

"Back to Urgot's bar. I told him I'd bring you back."

She nodded, relieved she'd be going home. "Thank you." She said.

"Yea, Thanks." Lulu chimed in.

The gratitude was new to Kayn and in a way made him uncomfortable. He nodded and began heading into the woods back towards the center of Noxus, the three others trialing behind him in silent exhaustion.

EDITED 11/21/17

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