Chapter 21

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The trip back into the center of Noxus felt longer than their trip out. The were all exhausted, tired yawns bouncing back and fourth among them. Kayn had trailed far behind the girls, Petra still in his arms. She had woke half way there, Kayn knew she did. Yet still she shut her eyes and rested her head against his chest trying her best to pretend to still be out.

By the time they reached Urgot's bar light was just peaking over the skyline. The morning sun warmed them and illuminated all of the dark alleys and corners of Noxus. This early in the morning not many Noxian's were awake and so for the time being the city was quiet and almost peaceful.

Inside the bar was a smoke haze from the night before. Drunks were passed out, their heads resting on the table tops. Some sprawled out on the floor in corners. It seemed as though they never left, as if the drunks were perpetually there. Always at Urgot's bar, always black out drunk, and apparently always without control.

They walked towards the back of the bar much like Kayn did in the beginning of the night. Urgot was still posted at the back, sprawled out on his comfy looking couch. The liquor bottles seemed to have doubled since they last spoke and so Kayn approached slowly.

"Urgot," He spoke, very quietly getting into the terrifying creature's line of sight as it's tired eyes cracked open.

"Get out of here, bud." He grumbled, his hand shooing him away in a deja vu inducing manner.

"Urgot?" The red head piped in. He shot up, his eyes wide open at the sound of her voice.

"Katarina?" He asked, leaping from his couch. "You're alive? How are you alive?" He rushed over to her, his one and only hand grasping her shoulder.

"They came to rescue me." She smiled, looking back to the group.

"Who took you?" Urgot's tone changed in a split second, his eyes full of anger.

"Talon and Darius, they had a couple others." She frowned.

Urgot snorted. "Chumps made an alliance with that group in Zaun." He began.

"Group?" Kayn interrupted. "What group?"

"Don't know. Alls I know is they are posted out in Zaun and they came through Noxus recruiting some time back. Didn't let 'em into my bar. They still took two of my men." He shook his head in disgust. "And then those men came back and kidnapped my dear Katarina."

"Interesting." Kayn nodded, readjusting Petra in his arms. "Well, I brought your girl back. As promised." He smiled a hollow smile, not asking for any compensation- but expecting it.

"I'm very appreciative. I've know Katarina's family for a long time. I was devastated when she was taken." Urgot seemed sincere. Sincere enough for Kayn to ease just a little, the tension in his shoulders becoming just a little less. "Why don't you stay the night. I'll set you up in my best rooms upstairs. Gets some rest, come down when you're ready for a drink."

Soraka and Lulu seemed thrilled to have each other back, as well as to sleep in an actual bed. Truthfully a bed sounded delightful but Kayn wanted more. He expected more. For now, he took the suite and the nice bed.

Katarina lead them up a few fights of stairs to the very top floor of the shabby building. The hall was dim, a single light barely illuminating the walls. Kayn's expectation of the word suite was likely too high, and the moment they stepped into that hall his hopes of a comfortable bed went out the window.

Kat led Soraka and Lulu to their room first, and to everyone's surprise the walls were painted a nice maroon color, the furniture was in one piece, and the two full beds that sat diagonally from each other in the corners were high and luxurious. The blankets were made up nicely and if they looked as soft as they felt Kayn worried they'd never leave bed.

The girls ran into the room like two children, Soraka lifting Lulu onto her bed and then plopping into the other. Admittedly, they seemed immediately at rest, and that was enough to calm Kayn.

Kat led Kayn down to the very end of the hall and fumbled through some keys. "We don't rent this room out much. Folks here in Noxus can't usually afford it." She huffed, blowing a strand of hair from her face. "But Urgot has it cleaned like all the other rooms in hopes that he'll find a sorry chump willing to pay 2,000 gold a night."

"That's a little steep, don't you think?" Kayn questioned, a little surprised at the asking price. But then Kat opened the door revealing a beautiful purple room. Everything was purple, right down to the small foot stool at the edge of the bed. It was the most luxurious room Kayn had ever seen and he almost felt dirty for stepping into it.

"He's rented it out a few times when some hoity toity folks breeze through town but otherwise it's mostly untouched." She opened the thick purple curtains that snugly covered the only window. Sun flooded in revealing even more tiny details to the walls and furniture. "The bathroom is right through that door." She pointed to the corner of the room. "It's the only bathroom in the building with an actual bath."

"I'm a little shocked that this room exists in this bar." Kayn walked over to the bed finally placing Petra down on the soft purple duvet.

"Yeah, Urgot put a big chunk of change into it." She headed for the door. "But he's got the gold." She winked, slowly closing the door as she made her exit. "Enjoy."

Kayn investigated the room. His finger tips admired the soft fabric of the purple velvet arm chair and lounge seat. Everything seemed to be in such pristine condition it made him nervous to sit on anything.

Shower. He thought, and made a beeline for the bathroom door. He couldn't remember the last  time he actually cleaned himself. The "dip" in the swamp earlier didn't do much for him, either. He craved some nice, clean, warm water. It was the only time he truly had solace from Rhaast, as he couldn't- and wouldn't- take the scythe into the washroom with him. And Kayn trusted Petra, even if she were to wake up while he cleaned he knew she wouldn't dare touch the demon weapon.

So Kayn left Rhaast leaning up against the door way tucked behind a coat rack. He entered the equally luxurious purple bathroom and stripped down.

His body was battered and tired, blood stains covering most of his skin. Dirt covering the rest. He looked at himself in the mirror. His face was normal, his eyes returning to their natural blue color. His hair, though disheveled, laid at his shoulders in soft strands. Kayn hadn't had a good look at himself in a while, and it made him feel sick to his stomach.

He soiled the pristine toilet with vomit.

He'd never felt sick being away from Rhaast before, and he chose to ignore it, chalking it up to the fight.

He wiped his face clean and ran the water, leaning his head under the faucet to rinse his mouth. He turned the shower on, the steaming warm water pouring down onto his skin. He held his arms out in front of him, watching as the traces of battle left his body. He cherished the only moment he'd have for a while as a vulnerable human.

After he washed up, dreading to step back into his filthy clothes, Kayn started down at Rhaast. He still felt nauseous, but he wanted so badly to sleep with out the demon floating around his mind. So Kayn made sure the bedroom door was locked and he took Rhaast and slid the scythe safely under the large bed and climbed into the ostentatious blankets. He slipped Petra under the covers and did the same for himself.

EDITED 11/21/17

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