Chapter 30

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It was like deja vu. Again, off on a rescue mission to save a kidnapped friend. This time around they knew who the kidnapper was and they had an idea of what to expect. Likely there would be bloodshed and hopefully it wasn't their blood.

As they reached the coast Petra could feel Kayn's tension rise. He was stressed but still seemed to have a confident nonchalant way about him. She couldn't help but to admire the way he held his head high as they quietly walked in the dark. His blue eye reflecting the waves as they crashed into the sand. The moon reflected against that damned scythe and first she cringed but then found a way to admire the demon weapon. This demon has caused her so much trouble in the past weeks, but she noted how much she learned from the bastard. It was sad to admit that she had a connection to the demon like she did Kayn.

She stopped admiring the demon. He did, after all, try and kill her new love interest.

Petra quickened her pace so she was walking beside Kayn. She glanced up at him, staring until he met her eyes as well. "Are you ok?" She quietly asked.

Kayn pursed his lips, their corners slowly dragging upwards into a slow smile. "What do you mean?" He questioned, his eyes reverting forward.

"You're on your way to kill the man that raised you. Are you ok?" Petra explained, still looking at him. She searched his face for any emotion but while looking at his demon eye she didn't get much. 

"Well..." He began, pausing for a moment. His brows furrowed as he thought about his answer and Petra did her best to get a view at the rest of his face without being too obvious. "I'm ok." He replied. A very anti-climactic response.

"Are you?" She asked again. "That wasn't a very reassuring answer."

"I'm ok because I have to be ok." Kayn said, his voice not raising any higher than the waves. "I have to be ok because of what's at stake."

Petra nodded "Do you think you'll be able to do it?" She whispered, her face turning forward so the girls behind them couldn't read her lips. 

"Do what?" Kayn matched her whisper. 

"Kill him?" Her eyes shifted to the side to get a look at him. She watched his shoulders heave up and down as he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Yes. I want to do it." Kayn spoke "I guess I just don't enjoy the honorless circumstance of the situation." He sighed, his eyes glancing back down at Petra. "I imagined an epic brawl. One between just him and me. No army, no back up- just one on one."

"Why is that?" She asked, her small hand carefully slinking down to grasp his demonic palm. She tactfully slid her fingers in between his, taking extra care not to brush up against his sharp nails. He looked down to their entwined hands and let a small grin creep up to his lips.

"I always imagined killing him myself. No help, no one to have to give partial credit to. I want his head for my own keeping. I don't want to share the glory." Kayn frowned "Now, by force, I have to share it with Rhaast." He couldn't help to let a short laugh out. "So to answer your question, I'm ok. I know I can kill him, I just wish it was an entirely different scenario." 

Petra nodded again, taking in his words syllable by syllable.  "Are you nervous?" She whispered, this question even lower than the first.

Kayn didn't reply, he didn't look at her. She took that as her answer. 

Kayn's Prodigy: A League of Legends Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now