UPDATE 3/22/2020

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Hello friends!

The world is in a rough spot right now and it's safe to assume everyone is feeling the stress caused by COVID19. Many of us are stuck at home in quarantine- At least I am, for three whole weeks! During this time we all need to keep occupied and keep sane. I decided I wanted to reread this fanfic and make some edits! Can you believe it's already THREE YEARS OLD? My writing has changed a lot since then.

Some of these edits will be minor, such as spelling and grammar- Some more large scale like tweaking a scene or dialogue. What better time to reread a story than when you're stuck at home for a few weeks? 

When a chapter is edited, it will have a note added to the beginning stating what types of edits were made. If you find yourself reading this during the COVID19 pandemic leave a nice comment on this chapter for me! <3

Hang in there, guys! We'll get through this.

- catpettingparty

Kayn's Prodigy: A League of Legends Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now